Do it or don’t do it. That’s my motto.
It doesn’t leave any wiggle room, and for that reason, some people are hesitant to use it in their decision-making. They’re haunted by thoughts like, “But what if I don’t like what I decide to do? What if I screw it up? What if I can’t? What if it’s hard?”
Those kinds of thoughts are your fear voice wanting permission to give up, but that’s a discussion for another time.
What I wanna leave you with in this article is the fact do it or don’t do it is the secret to guilt-free decision making.
How so?
Because a lot of our guilt when we make decisions is caused by disappointing ourselves.
Part of us thinks we shouldn’t be doing it.
But we do it anyway, feel badly about it, and torment ourselves (or take it out on other people).
Do it or don’t do it eliminates all that drama and self-abuse, because whichever decision you make (i.e. you do it, or you don’t), you OWN that decision, accept that you made it, and move.
No victimhood, no “I had no choice.”
No torturing yourself over it, either.
You own the decision, good, bad, or ugly.
Then you get on with your life.
Do it or don’t do it is a great litmus test, too, because if you find yourself constantly making decisions that you feel awful about, it’s a sign something’s gotta change.
Do it or don’t do it.
If you decide to do it, go all-in. Commit. Ignore the fear voice.
If you’re not gonna commit and go all-in, don’t bother until you will.
It’s as simple as that.