“Cristy, how do I stop craving foods that’ll derail my progress?”
There are a lot of things that can cause cravings for foods you know will send you off the deep end.
Lack of sleep, for example, can do it. So can stress. So can being dehydrated.
But you know the #1 thing that causes you to crave junk and sugar?
Here it is: Eating the junk and sugar!
I know, it sounds SO obvious. But there’s a side to this most people don’t think about.
Say you’ve got a chocolate craving. You just can’t get it out of your head.
So, you figure, “I’ll just have one Dove chocolate. That’ll satisfy me.”
And you eat that one Dove chocolate.
Except, instead of feeling satisfied, your craving gets even stronger.
Next thing you know, you’ve emptied that entire bag of Dove chocolate, and you’re sitting there, feeling ashamed of yourself, and wondering what the heck happened.
When it comes to food cravings, giving in is just as dangerous an alcoholic giving in to that urge for “just one drink.” There’s no such thing as “just one.”
Same deal here. Eating just one chocolate, or just one chip, or whatever it is, makes the craving STRONGER.
And this isn’t limited to junk food. You can crave Code Red-approved foods and overeat them, too. Doing that doesn’t come with the health detriments from sugar and junk, but it can still slow, or even stall, your weight loss progress, because volume of food matters.
The bottom line: When you crave a certain food – especially something you know you’ll overeat – eating it is the surest way to KEEP craving it.
Instead of caving to cravings, drink your water, sip some hot tea (made from a tea bag, not from a powder), and work on your sleep quality. Also make sure you’re salting your food (especially if you crave sugar).
Use a good quality salt, like Redmond Real Salt. That’s what I use. You can check it out here: www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/RealSalt. Use the code, codered15, to save 15% if you decide to order.