So even with everything going on right now, Code Red Rebels are not only experiencing victories, they’re THRIVING in ways they would not be if they hadn’t joined the Code Red Lifestyle™…and I bet my mohawk you can relate to these ways. Keep reading to see what I mean:
J.S.L.: I was 335 pounds when I weighed in on August 20th, 2019. I wasn’t sure if Code Red would work, but I went all in on the August challenge. Here I am 10 months and one week later and I have removed 135 pounds. My life is forever changed. No more knee pain, acid reflux, back pain, and my A1C is a 4.4. I am officially out of being morbidly obese, or obese. My doctor told me he would not even consider me overweight anymore. I have 10 pounds to maintenance and .1 to Onederland. I am definitely a Code Red Rebel always.
J.H.: I’ve shopped at Lane Bryant for so long that the manager knows my name…..They opened today after being closed for The Rona so I went looking for new bras….. She told me that I looked amazing and that I am at their smallest size in underwear and bras and all shirts are too big there…. I am holding weight in my thighs, but the waist of their pants are too big. She told me that any more weightloss and I wont be able to shop for a for anything there.
T.S.: To encourage all the diabetics that have started this program…Doctor’s appt Thursday…A1C is down to 4.9. Diabetes has been removed from my current record!!! I use to give insulin shots 4 x/day. My Dr said she has heard of people being able to do this, but has never met one! Cholesterol & all other #’s were great too!! You can do it. Stick with the program.
L.S.J.: I have to post. My 16 year old daughter and I were trying on each other swimsuits today and she wanted me to try on hers because she likes my swimsuit. I tried it on and she told me I look amazing and I have an hour glass figure Hearing that from her was so special and meant the world especially being “48” never being this size. I was in a really bad motorcycle wreck in 2015 almost dying and never thought I’d wear a 2 piece again as my stomach was cut open from ribs all the way down.
As you can see, weight loss is just the START! It’s what happens as a result of joining the Code Red Lifestyle™ is where the magic happens.
So if reading these gets you pumped to take your life back, too, the button below will take you to a page where you can get more info and register for the next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. I’ll see you there!