That number on the scale. Feels like your nemesis some days, doesn’t it?
If you’re new to Code Red, you may not be aware that Code Red Rebels weigh ourselves every single day, and here’s why.
The number on the scale is data you can use to evaluate your choices from the day before.
If you didn’t get your sleep, or ate something that didn’t agree with you, it’ll show on the scale the next day.
A lot of programs tell you to weigh just once a week, or not at all.
The thing is, if you only weigh once a week, you’ll have no idea what the heck caused your gain. It could be ANYTHING from that whole week!
If you never weigh yourself, it is WAY too easy to pack on 10, 20, even 50 pounds or more without realizing it; and then tell yourself the theater seats are getting smaller, or the clothes in your size are made smaller than they used to be.
I get it, but here’s what you’ve GOT to understand.
The scale is just a tool, the way a thermometer is just a tool.
You don’t look at the temperature and go into a downward spiral, right? You notice and plan accordingly. Maybe you need an extra blanket. Or, maybe you don’t need your jacket after all.
Weighing yourself daily works the same way. Weight went up? Look at what you did the day before. Weight went down? Same deal – look at what you did the day before (and repeat it!).
Say it with me: The scale is just a tool. It’s instant feedback to help you lose your weight and keep it off.
It is NOT a measure of your worth.
To stop being a victim of the scale, by either fearing it or avoiding it, and TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK from fat, sickness, and misery, click the red button below to join the next 10 Pound Takedown.