So you SAY you wanna lose weight and feel better…

So get this.

My younger dog, Vince, can’t be left to roam free in the house if Miles and I aren’t there, because he chews up a blanket.

So, we put him in a HUGE crate when we’re not in the house.

We still don’t have a crate at the cabin, so this week I hopped onto Facebook Marketplace to find a crate for the cabin, too.

I found a couple I liked the price – and look – of, including one from a guy who insisted he wanted serious inquiries only, because he’d had two no-shows.

His wording made it clear he was pretty irate about the no-shows, which I totally understand.

I asked him if the crate was still available (it was), we agreed on a price, and we chose a time today for me come by and collect it.

Then he goes and changes the time, which by itself, wasn’t a problem for me.

What became a problem was when he stopped responding to me when I texted him to confirm the time.

I could see that he’d seen the message, but he never responded (to multiple texts).

I don’t know what his deal was, but since he couldn’t be bothered to communicate, I contacted the next person on my list, and bought the dog crate from them instead.

So, to recap:

The guy SAYS he wants to sell the crate.

He SAYS serious inquiries only, because two people have already flaked out.

But when he gets a VERY serious inquiry, HE flakes out.

Not only that, he can’t even be bothered to reply to me.

I just don’t get this kind of thing. I’m such a black and white person, and I’m a follow-through person, so when I say I’m gonna do something, I mean it.

Once in a great while, circumstances outside my control are such that things have to change.

But for the most part, when I say I’m gonna do it, I do it. If, for some reason, things change, I’ll contact the other people involved and let them know.

Seriously, the whole saying you wanna do something, only to NOT do it, baffles me.

I see this with some people who join Code Red, too.

They say they want the weight off for good.

They say they’re tired of their hands hurting.

They say they’re tired of constant knee pain.

They say they’re sick of being sick.

But their ACTIONS don’t match what they say.

You know eating wheat makes your hands hurt (for example), and you say you don’t want your hands to hurt. So why the heck do you keep eating wheat?

Do you want freedom from pain in your hands, or not?

If the answer is YES, you DO want freedom from pain…you DO want the weight gone for good…you DO want to have energy and mobility to play with your grandkids…then what you DO to get those results is crystal clear.

But if you “know what to do” to get the results you want, and you still aren’t doing it, 100% of the time, then be on my Becoming A Champ training happening Friday, January 14, at 6 PM Mountain Time.

In this training, I’m revealing the “champion” mindset I developed as a two-time world champ in boxing – a mindset that YOU can apply to your weight loss journey, for even better results (or to help you get your rear in gear if you’re struggling).

You do not need to give a crap about athletics or sports to benefit from this training.

As you’ll discover, the champion mindset is universal.

Meaning, people who reach – and KEEP – the results they want ALL have it, whether it’s in professional boxing, weight loss, freedom from pain caused by poor diet, a great relationship, or anything else worth having.

Before I go: Tonight, as you know, is New Year’s Eve.

Please keep what I’ve said above in mind.

If you want the weight off, and want to feel better, behaving the same way you “always have” on New Year’s Eve isn’t gonna get you there.

How about doing things differently this year?

How about celebrating the new year by staying true to YOU, and what you say YOU want for yourself?

And to register for Becoming A Champ, go here: