There’s a lot more to love about Code Red than weight loss. Weight loss is just the start!
Everyone who sticks with Code Red experiences a cascade of what we call NSVs – non-scale victories.
These can be just about ANYTHING:
- Clothes that fit better
- Less (or no) pain
- Normal blood pressure
- Normal A1C
- Normal blood sugar
- A clear mind
- Energy through the roof
- Confidence
- Your rings fitting again (or being able to take them off for the first time in years)
- Being able to climb a flight of stairs without feeling like you’re gonna die
And on and on.
Another NSV a lot of people experience is that their snoring gets better, or even stops altogether!
Having a weight problem is not the only cause of snoring, but it is a super common one.
For one thing, people who are overweight or obese are more likely to have obstructive sleep apnea.
For another thing, the extra body fat itself often causes snoring.
Neck fat, for example, compresses your upper airway when you lie down.
Abdominal fat is another culprit. While you’re lying down, it can push your diaphragm up, compressing your rib cage, which puts pressure on your lungs and restricts airflow.
It’s a serious problem, because who snore tend to experience poor sleep, which makes it way more likely they’ll gain weight.
See, your body senses a lack of sleep as stress, and will hold onto fat to protect you.
It will also send you food cravings – especially for crap carbs and sugar – because those are sources of instant energy, which your body figures you need since you didn’t get enough sleep.
Lack of sleep also screws up your levels of ghrelin and leptin, the hormones that control your sensations of hunger and feeling full.
In other words, lack of sleep causes you to feel both hungrier and less full, increasing the likelihood you’ll overeat.
Eating a high-fat, low-carb diet like, we do on Code Red, in combination with drinking plenty of water every day, helps you feel fuller, so it mitigates that a little bit.
Plus the way we eat on Code Red helps balance hormones, including hormones that influence your appetite. This can improve all kinds of hormonal functions in your body, including your ability to fall asleep at night (which is influenced by the hormone melatonin).
Bottom line: If your snoring is caused by obesity (and if your sleep apnea that’s contributing to snoring is caused by obesity), then yes, Code Red may help you stop snoring!
Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!
1) On your computer, create your account at
2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.