If you still believe safe, sustainable weight loss that drops more than 1-2 pounds a month has to be complicated and CAN’T be simple, stop and ask yourself one question:
Why do you believe that?
If it’s because you’ve tried magic pills, powders, and potions that didn’t work as advertised, I get it. You should be skeptical of those.
If you’ve tried calories in, calories out, and it either didn’t work, or you were so miserable it wasn’t worth it, you’re right to be skeptical. Calories matter, but it’s not just calories in, calories out. The quality of calorie matters, too.
And if you’ve tried to exercise your weight off, with no real results to show for it, again, I get it. Exercise is not a way to address a weight problem.
But if all that–or all the deep dive science around weight loss out there–has you convinced that weight loss with real food, water, and sleep sounds too good to be true because it sounds too simple, the first thing you’ve gotta understand is that there’s a difference between keeping it simple and a magic bullet.
A magic pill or powder are magic bullets. Even weight loss surgery could be considered a magic bullet, in a way.
Real food, water, sleep, and a few simple rules is simple, but none of it is a magic bullet.
See, a magic bullet doesn’t require changes. It’s just something you add, or do once.
Real food, water, sleep, and a few simple rules are changes you have to make, and stick with, to get results.
The second thing you’ve gotta understand is that it’s in the best interest of some very powerful industries for you to keep believing weight loss needs to be complicated.
That way you keep buying magic pills and potions because you don’t want complicated, and don’t wanna have to make changes…or, on the flip side, you try complicated crap, don’t see results, and stop because it feels not worth it if weight loss has to be THAT complicated.
But guess what?
Magic bullets and complicated crap aren’t your only options.
You have a third option: Eat the correct real food, drink water, sleep, and follow a few simple rules.
You can tell it’s not a magic bullet because it requires you to make changes and actually follow the program.
You can tell it’s not complicated because it doesn’t get any simpler – without being a bullcrap magic bullet – than real food, water, sleep, and a few simple rules.
Before you continue clinging to the notion that safe, sustainable weight loss at more than 1-2 pounds a month has to be complicated and require hours in the gym, suspend your disbelief and try it my way for thirty days on a 10 Pound Takedown.
Or read my book, The Code Red Revolution, and follow along at your own pace.
Either way, give it a shot – a REAL shot, not some half-hearted two-day attempt – before you dismiss the possibility of losing weight in a SIMPLE, sustainable way.
The alternative is to deprive yourself of the ONE answer you’ve been waiting for, but didn’t believe existed. Is that really what you want?
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2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.