There are SO many great stories from Code Red Rebels.
In this post I wanna share one that’s especially close to my heart.
This Rebel, “Linda,” was 65 years old when she found Code Red, and she’d spent 60 of those 65 years sick and in pain.
It started at age 5, with a polio vaccine that went horribly wrong.
Crippling migraines kicked in a few years later.
After that came fibromyalgia, and complications from a car accident.
It all left Linda in so much pain, she’d sometimes do nothing but lie in bed for days at a time.
When she did get up, she eventually needed a cane to get around (a fact she hid from everyone except a few close family members)…unless she was in public. Then she just used her husband’s arm.
Linda couldn’t even get out of a chair by herself, or climb a few stairs without something to hold onto.
Of course, she went to doctor after doctor and tried medication after medication.
Each new pill caused her to pack on weight.
After decades of this living nightmare, Linda believed she was destined to spend the rest of her life miserable and in pain.
She worried about what would happen to her if her husband, who’d taken care of her every day for 47 years, passed away before she did.
When Linda heard about the Code Red Lifestyle™, and saw the results people she knew in real life were getting, she decided she had nothing to lose by trying it.
So, praying that real food, water, and sleep would be the answer she’d spent 60 years searching for, Linda joined a 10 Pound Takedown.
So how’d it turn out?
Well, she lost 46 pounds, which is great all by itself.
But 46 pounds was just the start.
Living the Code Red Lifestyle™ controlled Linda’s fibromyalgia pain and migraines…so much so that she went from not being able to get out of a chair by herself to hiking up a mountain, in her 60s, without a cane OR pain.
Her husband even told her, “You’re not the same woman.”
When Linda came to see me at an event, she brought her cane and gave it to me as a gift, because she didn’t need it anymore.
(I still get choked up thinking about it.)
As you read this, I hope you’re getting that Code Red isn’t just about being more confident at the beach. (Although it can help with that.)
It isn’t just about walking into your closet knowing you’ll actually find something cute that fits (although it can help with that).
And it isn’t just about being able to get down and up off the floor to play with your grandkids (although it can help with that).
Code Red is about TAKING YOUR LIFE BACK.
If you’re sick and tired of being fat, sick, and tired, and sick of wasting time and money on diet pills, shakes, diet foods, and exercise programs, come to Code Red.
We’ll show you how to lose weight by eating real food, drinking water, sleeping, and following a few simple rules, all without eating like a rabbit or feeling like you’re starving.
Come join us in the Code Red network! We’ve got communities, tons of videos, podcasts, articles, motivation, tips, programs, meal ideas, and more! It’s free to join, and you can join in either of these two ways:
1) Go to www.coderedlifestyle.com/app from your laptop (or an Internet browser like Chrome on your phone or tablet) and create your free account.
2) Download the mobile app version from the App Store or Google Play by searching Code Red Lifestyle™.