“I have not felt normal since I was 12 years old”

This Code Red Rebel has been through hell and high water.

Four years ago she lost everything…and she coped with partying, alcohol, and diet pills.

Now she’s off her medication for anxiety, nausea, horrific stomach pain – ALL of it.

And she’s lost 32 pounds (so far) on the Code Red Lifestyle.

Watch our interview below to hear all the other ways her life has transformed. Weight loss was just the start!


Are you ready to take your life back from obesity, sickness, and misery? Are you ready to love being photographed, always find cute clothes that fit whenever you shop, and feel proud of yourself?

Then join my next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge at www.10PoundTakedown.com. For less than the price of a family dinner out, you can experience the Code Red Lifestyle’s life-transforming results for yourself. Get started now at www.10PoundTakedown.com.