This works better than words to change people’s minds

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Most of my Rebels are blessed with supportive friends and family.

But some of these supportive friends and family don’t start out that way.

You’d think, if you were making a positive change in your life, everyone would rally and help you succeed, right?

Yet, sometimes our friends and family are slow to come around.

So let’s look at it from their perspective.

They’ve watched you try and lose weight before. They’ve probably seen you gain it back.

Over and over, you say “this is the last time!” Except it’s not.

I’m sure you mean it at the time. But then, for whatever reason, it doesn’t happen. And so this cycle repeats…over a period of years.

Your friends and family are uneasy about getting their hopes up. You SAY it’s the last time, but your actions don’t match what you tell them. It’s like you’re breaking your word to them, over and over, and eventually, they don’t want to hear it.

If you’re in this situation, here’s what you can do:

Stop trying to convince them with words. Let your actions do the talking.

People can argue with what you say. But arguing with what you do? That’s a lot harder.

This works on your skeptics, too.

Stop wasting your energy trying to explain, to justify, to convince.

SHOW them that you’re serious. Follow the Code Red Lifestyle to the letter. Be consistent.

When they see you stick to your guns; see you shrinking in front of their eyes; and witness your energy skyrocketing and your health transforming, they’ll stop thinking, “When’s she going to give up THIS time?” and start thinking, “Wow! She really does mean it! This is incredible! I’m SO proud!”

Words are powerful, but sometimes, they’re not enough. When that happens, let your actions speak for you.
