Before Pam went all-in with the Code Red Lifestyle™ in May of 2018, her tummy always felt bloated, and her body was swollen all over.
Raging heartburn kept her up at night. She’d often find herself sitting up in bed burping for half an hour before she dared to lie down.
Pam would get foggy-brained two hours after she ate, so she hyped herself up with too much coffee to try and offset the foggy brain.
Pam was also embarrassed about how she looked. She couldn’t find decent clothes that fit, so she dressed in whatever DID fit.
Not only did she feel like a slob, but she secretly believed she was a loser and not as talented as other people.
But Pam started living the Code Red Lifestyle™ in May of 2018 and went on to lose over 40 pounds, as well as gain some amazing transformations.
– Her annoying, painful heartburn is gone.
– She drinks cool, delicious water throughout the day to support consistent, stable energy levels and help her feel satiated…and while she still enjoys coffee, she drinks less and no longer needs it to offset a foggy brain.
– Pam can now bend over without feeling like throwing up.
– She can cross her legs while sitting on the floor to play with her grandkids.
(Fun fact…at age 68, Pam is just four pounds above what she weighed before getting pregnant with her first child at age 23.)
“Loving the Code Red Lifestyle. Never leaving the luxury of great health & mobility!!” Pam told me.
I love that!
Great health and mobility for sure feel like a luxury, especially when you don’t have them.
Pam took her life back with the Code Red Lifestyle, and she did it using what she learned on a 10 Pound Takedown.
If you’re missing out on the luxury of a body that feels good and does what you want it to do, check out the 10 Pound Takedown at and TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK!