Can the Code Red Lifestyle™ help with seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies are a source of misery for so many people. And most people who have them assume they’re stuck with them for life.

But are they?

According to conventional medicine, yes. And they’ll prescribe you pills and injections that not only may come with side effects, but they fail to address the root cause of the allergies.

Without addressing the root cause, seasonal allergies never go away.

So what is the root cause?

Impaired immune function caused by inflammation. When our bodies are irritated by inflammation, they react to everything.

Think of it like being cranky. On days when you’re cranky, things that normally wouldn’t irritate you instead drive you bonkers.

To make matters worse, the drugs we’re often prescribed to treat allergies work by suppressing our immune function, which causes our bodies to attack everything.

This results in disease and weight gain, as well as allergies.

“Okay, Cristy so what causes inflammation?”

The biggest cause of inflammation, by far, is the food we consume. (Food is not the only cause, but it is the most common.)

Sugar, grains, wheat, corn, and many of the foods we stop eating during weight loss mode on the Code Red Lifestyle are known to cause inflammation.

When my Rebels stop eating those foods, and stick to meat, veggies, healthy fats, nuts, eggs, seeds, and seafood, as well as drink water and get plenty of sleep, their bodies stop existing in a constant state of inflammation.

And when their bodies aren’t “on fire” all the time, they begin to heal.

Weight loss is the most obvious sign of healing, but it’s not the only one. Blood sugars stabilize. Blood pressure returns to normal. Triglycerides come down. (To name just a few.)

And yes, I’ve got Rebels who’ve seen their seasonal allergies disappear completely. 

They also don’t catch every cold and flu that comes around, the way they did pre-Code Red.

The way you eat can keep you fat, sick, and suffering, or it can drop weight and promote healing that seems miraculous.

When you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, head to and join the next 10 Pound Takedown.

Experience for yourself how real food, water, and sleep can help you lose weight and take your life back from disease and pain.