Success stories are one of everyone’s favorite part of the Code Red Lifestyle™, so here are a few more scale AND non-scale victories (NSVs) posted by Code Red Rebels!
J.K. writes: “Today after 5mths as a rebel, I had my first physical, in 2 years. Weighing in 56 lbs less. Here’s the details.
“My thyroid, is perfect. My weight is great, still BMI is high. So close though. (Side note from Cristy: BMI is a TERRIBLE way to measure health, because it’s cookie cutter. Unfortunately hospitals and insurance companies still use it.)
“My hormones are that of a normal functioning woman. I’m 47 and had a hysterectomy due to hormone issues and other things. My vitamin D was low. I live in New England, and this is a problem here.
“My magnesium is great. My good cholesterol is great, My bad cholesterol is high. (My doctor) is not the least bit concerned with my water consumption. Overall he was Elated!
“What he told me. He’s very proud of me. He loves this plan and thinks Cristy CodeRed is stupendous for sharing the Truth about fat! (His words.)
“He has always believed grains were bad, and we should run on fat. He also believes that cholesterol is not something all people should be overly concerned with, that new studies show it’s not ‘as’ important for everyone. (For 70 ish, he is super hip, and informed.)
“He said specifically not to worry about MY bad cholesterol, because when you input all the factors into some fancy app he had, my risk of any heart related issues due to my cholesterol, is 0.05%.
“Lastly my fibromyalgia is almost non existent, prior to code red, I hurt constantly. We both realized I had not had a debilitating migraine that induces 2-7 days of vertigo, since starting CR. (I have suffered with these for the last 10 years. )
“Without the extra weight my osteo arthritis is also not as bothersome. I really think that’s everything.. it was a good day!”
Wow, is that remarkable, or what? And I’m super grateful to read that J.K.’s doctor is up on the latest information about fat and cholesterol.
Here’s another post. A lot of people join Code Red for the weight loss, and focus on that all through the challenge, but M.W. has a different outlook:
“I see so many postings about how many pounds I have lost/gain, but nobody says how they feel…My why was simple ‘just want to feel good’.
“When I started the challenge I had so much inflammation in my body, I ache all the time, couldn’t get out of a chair without aching, bathroom runs, bloated, tired all the time, simply put I was just miserable.
“Now I have so much energy, no pain, no inflammation, none of the prior symptoms!
“[Where I loose weight or not (but I’m)] just feeling this way is worth it. Focus in how you feel, this is not a competition with anyone, it’s all about YOU!”
On Code Red, we use the scale to give us some data to track our progress, but it’s not the ONLY measure of good health. Not even close, as M.W.’s story reveals.
Whether it’s because you wanna lose weight, or you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, join and and see what can happen for you when you follow the lifestyle. Start with 30 days on a 10 Pound Takedown, and go from there. The button below will take you to the challenge registration page where you can get more info.