Just as important as our physical health is our mental health

It’s no surprise the subject of physical health comes up a lot on the Code Red Lifestyle™, because what we eat influences our physical health.

It also influences our mental health, which is something that often gets overlooked.

Our brain is an organ, and a mix of hormones and chemical reactions contribute to our emotions. It makes sense that the fuel we ingest would influence those reactions.

We have Rebels who frequently report being in a better mood, feeling stable emotionally, and even experiencing far less anxiety.

All that is fantastic, of course.

But the fact remains that our mental health, like our physical health, needs ongoing TLC as well, and that’s what I’m talking about with you in my video below.

This is important to handling life’s challenges, and to not letting stress, anxiety, or other difficult emotions cripple you. Click the image below to check it out, and get some examples (including what I do) of what you can do to nurture your mental health.
