One of the biggest misconceptions about a high-fat nutrition plan is that it’s linked to high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease.
But before you jump on the “fat is bad” bandwagon, let me ask you this:
Is everyone who follows a LOW-fat diet free from heart disease and high blood pressure?
Is everyone who has normal, or even low cholesterol, “healthy?”
You and I both know the answer to both of those questions is a giant NO.
Demonizing fat as the source of disease is not only one of the biggest lies of our time, it’s deadly, because it scares us into going for low-fat foods stuffed with added sugar (which is eight times more addictive than heroin and the actual cause of most diseases).
“But Cristy, why would you say a high-fat way of eating is healthy, when my cholesterol numbers went UP on Code Red?”
That’s a great question.
Most people see their cholesterol come down on Code Red, but some people see what appears to be an increase. So why is that?
As you lose body fat, your body releases that fat–and the cholesterol stored in it–into your bloodstream.
Because your body can’t metabolize cholesterol, it floats around in your bloodstream for a while. So if you get your cholesterol tested while this is going on, it may appear to be higher.
It’s only temporary, and when your body’s able to get rid of the excess cholesterol, your numbers come back down.
How long that’ll be varies wildly from person to person. And like I said, most people see their cholesterol DROP on Code Red.
Another thing I wanna point out about high cholesterol is that it’s only dangerous in the presence of high blood sugar, because high blood sugar is what causes the cholesterol particles to become sticky.
Yet another reason to stop pigging out on sweets and high-carb foods (which both trigger a ton of insulin and can elevate blood sugar levels).
And you’d be surprised how many people who suffer heart attacks have NORMAL cholesterol. It’s crazy, yet conveniently overlooked.
There’s a lot more to the cholesterol story than you’ve been led to believe.
In my video below, I’m gonna talk more about cholesterol and high-fat eating.
If you want more info on this, check it out below.