A prepared Rebel is a successful Rebel.
It’s a way of behaving we encourage on the Code Red Lifestyle™, to help people overcome that fear of not being able to control themselves when tempting food’s around.
But as prepared and in control as you intend to be, once in a while things just don’t work out the way you intended.
Case in point: The 2020 Minnesota After Hours events in Cottage Grove.
A winter storm decided to hit, and it screwed a few things up.
In order to get ahead of the storm, I left one day earlier than I originally intended, which really threw a wrench in my other plans, including cancelling a radio interview I’d been looking forward to.
I also decided not to bring a couple team members, because it not only meant rescheduling their flights, I knew the storm would probably cut into attendance at the first After Hours event (which it did – by nearly half).
A box of cookbooks got misplaced, which meant people who’d planned on buying one at the event weren’t able to get it.
Obviously it could have been a lot worse.
The people who made it were excited and engaged. Saturday’s event had almost everyone who’d bought a ticket.
River Oaks Golf Course served a delicious meal both days.
I got to see some Rebels I haven’t seen in ages, as well as meet Rebels I’ve never met.
There were hugs, tears, and lots of quality time with like-minded people.
But the point here is that something outside my control–the weather, in this case–forced me to change my plans.
That happens in life, as I’m sure you know.
It does not give you a free pass to go off the rails…to say, “screw it, I’ll just do what I want because I can’t control myself and I didn’t plan for this.”
You control what goes in your pie hole. That is something that NEVER changes, no matter what’s going on around you.
Always remember that you are in control of YOU…even when something outside your control derails your plans.
Stay on track. Not only can you do it, you’ll be grateful you did.