Enjoy this latest batch of Rebel Victories from people who are taking their lives back on the Code Red Lifestyle™!
M.E.: November 3rd it all started….Code Red Challenge. I decided I wasn’t gonna take before pics cause I’ve taken tons before and just gain it all back anyhow and didn’t wanna get discouraged again. The before pic was taken in October before I topped the scales at 368 but gives you an idea. [NOTE: M.E. had pictures with this comment.] TODAY I HIT THE 200’S!!! 299.6 to be exact but I did it! A commitment I made for 30 days has turned into this! Still a long ways to go but dang this makes ne happy! 68.8 pounds down baby!!
M.C.: My 13 year old started to eat what I ate on Code Red because she really didn’t have a choice. When I decided to clean out my pantry of all sugar and non-compliant foods she thought I’d gone mad! She wondered how she’d survive with ZERO food in the house?look at the RESULTS! She realizes now that I wasn’t trying to starve her ? not at goal yet.
T.B.: NSV: had my appointment with my sleep specialist today. Since my last appointment in March of last year I’ve lost 49 pounds according to their scale. Doctor said it I kept this up when I hit goal he wants me to have another sleep study to see if I still need to wear my CPAP. Since I started my first challenge September 28th I’ve lost 44 pounds. Still have 43 to go. Rebel on!!!!!
N.G.: Well this happened … I went to get new jeans because all the ones I have are falling off as I walk. I picked up a size 10. They are stretchy. And for the first time in ages, they git comfortably. I know they are good for another lbs. Feels so happy.
D.M.: Thyroid check today… bloodwork and ultrasound ordered BUT NO LONGER IN HIGH BP Range…. now in Pre-High…130/80 but its getting better!!!!
As you can see, weight loss is just the START! It’s what happens as a result of joining the Code Red Lifestyle™ is where the magic happens.
So if reading these gets you pumped to take your life back, too, the button below will take you to a page where you can get more info and register for the next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. I’ll see you there!