So even with everything going on right now, Code Red Rebels are not only experiencing victories, they’re THRIVING in ways they would not be if they hadn’t joined the Code Red Lifestyle™…and I bet my mohawk you can relate to these ways. Keep reading to see what I mean:
D.O.S.: Today I’m celebrating my one year Rebelversary! At the start of my CR journey I was a miserable, “fluffy” recreational runner (proof that you can’t outrun a bad diet) who was battling chronic back pain, depression and sugar addiction. I was in a funk and desperately needed help. I had the energy of a sloth, joint pain throughout my body and favorite Levi’s that no longer fit. All three of these combined was my turning point. When I came across Cristys May takedown ad I signed up immediately! Doing the challenge (and several more throughout the year) has been the best investment I’ve ever made! Two months in and I knew this was the lifestyle for me! I lost the brain fog, sugar cravings and pesky 20 lbs that had crept on over the last few years. The best part tho is the nagging aches in my hands, hips and knees disappeared! Unfortunately I will always have some lumbar pain from scoliosis but it’s being managed by staying Rebel strong, keeping up on yoga, chiropractic care and massage therapy. I’m now looking forward to turning the big 5-O next year and have plans to do a triathlon (if I can get past the fear of the lake swim, lol) Cristy CodeRed you are truly a lifesaver! Thank you for giving me the hope, healing and strength I desperately needed to take my life back!
D.B.: Today is my 1 year anniversary as a REBEL! The difference is amazing to me… besides 120 pounds gone forever, the person I was a year ago was sick, tired, in pain, and sad! I am no longer that morbidly obese person who wondered how her life got so out of control… I will be forever grateful and I will ALWAYS BE A “Rebel for Life”!!!
L.P.: Being able to take pictures with my family (without shame) is one of my favorite parts of my Code Red journey. I’m not worried about finding the right angle anymore. I don’t care if I’m wearing makeup, either. I no longer feel the need to get dressed up “just right” for the sake of capturing a memory. Now, we snap pictures all the time, simply because we can. I can look back at them and feel happiness rush through me. This is what 115lbs down looks like. Do the grind, Rebels. You can do this. You can beat the obesity battle.
J.S.: Super odd NSV – I have always had to buy wide shoes and my tennis shoes I always lace in such a way to allow for my fat feet. I had to re-lace my shoes this morning the “normal” way because they were so loose! My feet are losing inches!
P.L.P.: I have a really amazing NSV! I asked my son if he sees a difference in my parenting since code red. He told me that I seem happier and more in the present! If that ain’t a reason to shout hallelujah, then I don’t know what is!
As you can see, weight loss is just the START! It’s what happens as a result of joining the Code Red Lifestyle™ is where the magic happens.
So if reading these gets you pumped to take your life back, too, the button below will take you to a page where you can get more info and register for the next 10 Pound Takedown Challenge. I’ll see you there!