This is gross, but important

Pooping. Going number two. A bowel movement. Taking a….well, you know.

Whatever you want to call it, going poop isn’t a topic most of us wanna talk about, especially in polite conversation.

If it does come up, it’s usually in a joke or during a visit to the doctor’s office.

But “gross” or not, going number two is important for both weight loss and health reasons, which is why we make it a priority on the Code Red Lifestyle.

When you change the way you’re eating, it’s very common to experience changes in your bowel movements.

Because you’ve adjusted both your volume of food and the type of food you’re eating, your body may need time to adjust.

How long depends entirely on the person. It may be a few days or a few weeks.

Regular bowel movements are essential to weight loss, because if you aren’t pooping on a regular basis, you may experience auto-intoxication.

Toxins circulating in your body are eliminated in bowel movements, so if you aren’t having them on a regular basis, those toxins recirculate in your body.

All that is why, on Code Red, we encourage everyone to start and maintain a good bowel plan immediately.

I know, it may sound weird, and feel free to giggle or wrinkle your nose, but trust me on this.

Rebels who don’t poop on a regular basis struggle to lose weight.

Plus you’re not ridding your body of all the toxins released from your fat cells as you lose weight. All the water we drink helps, but pooping is important for this, too.

If you’re constipated and need help getting regular – or you have the opposite problem, and your stool is loose – click here to get some helpful tips from my help desk.