“I can’t do Code Red because…”
Man do I hate hearing that, because nine times out of ten it’s followed by a bull crap reason someone “can’t” join the Code Red Lifestyle.
“I can’t give up bread and pasta.”
“I can’t stop eating before 6:30 p.m.”
“I can’t get that much water in.”
“I can’t afford it.”
After 20+ years in the weight loss and fitness industry, I’ve learned a lot about what it takes to succeed at weight loss. Mindset is HUGE.
That means if someone’s not ready, they’re not ready, and sentences that include the words “I can’t” are red flags.
They’re also bull crap, because the truth is, you can find a way to do all those things. You just don’t want to do them.
And if that’s the way it is for now, totally fine. But at least be honest with me, and with yourself.
It’s not that you can’t stop eating bread and pasta, it’s that you don’t want to.
You don’t want to drink that much water. You don’t want to set aside $20 of what you spend on eating out to buy my book.
I get that a lot of people whip out the “I can’t” lines because they’re scared of change, or of failing at weight loss again.
If that’s you, remember that famous saying: Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.
But most people who say “I can’t” just aren’t ready.
The great news is, I’ve had many a successful Rebel say the “I can’t” stuff for years, and then something changes, and they stop saying the “I can’t” lines, and replace them with “How can I?”
If you’re reading this, and you’re caught up in the I can’ts, be honest with yourself, and start admitting you don’t want to, because if you did want to, you’d find a way, no matter what it took.
When you decide you do want to…when you are ready to be healthy and slender instead of fat, sick, and miserable…come find us. We have a path for you, too.