Lost 13.2 pounds on the 10 LB Takedown without exercise

A Rebel who is back for the this year’s January Takedown (after doing last year’s November one) shared something I thought was pretty incredible. Check it out:

“I am just thrilled that I lost weight, since my hysterectomy in June 2022 it has just been coming on and no matter what I have done nothing was working. I lost 13.2 pounds, ate no treats and didn’t miss them! I didn’t even exercise. The last time I was able to lose any weight I was exercising 2-3 hours a day, counting every calorie and watching my diet. It was hard and not sustainable. This has really been so much easier and the weight is coming off! I am so excited. Looking forward to the next challenge!”

It just goes to show what I always say: you do NOT “need” exercise to lose weight.

You also cannot out-train your fork, and thinking you can keeps a lot of people from getting the weight off.

Exercise has a million benefits. I’m not saying people shouldn’t exercise.

I AM saying that it’s not a way to address a weight problem.

This is actually great news for people who are too obese and/or sick to safely exercise.

If your body is carrying that much extra weight, it’s a lot of pressure on your joints. Leaping around in the gym could lead to injuries.

And if you’ve got an autoimmune issue, where your body’s already under SO much stress because it’s attacking itself?

Exercise could make it WORSE, not better.

The thing to do is clean up your diet so your body lets the weight go.

“But Cristy, eating differently is hard!”

A lot of people say Code Red is the easiest hard you’ll ever do when it comes to losing weight.

Eating differently than you’re used to is hard. I get that and I agree.

Being obese and sick is also hard.

I bet this lady who wrote the post above would agree that packing on a bunch of weight after a medical procedure is hard, too.

Not being able to get rid of the weight no matter what you do is also hard.

Ain’t nobody getting out of hard.

The great news is, YOU get to pick the hards you allow into your life.

One set of hards keeps you unable to get off the floor by yourself, feeling too ashamed (or even too unwell) for intimacy with your spouse, and lonely because you’re too embarrassed to be seen in public.

The other set of hards will help you comfortably sit on the floor and play with your grandkids (and get up by yourself), enjoy intimacy with your spouse again, and feel comfortable in your own skin.

It is ALWAYS your call which set of hards you choose…and as a result, which benefits OR detriments you deal with as a result.

If you’re calling it for Code Red because you’ve had enough of the hards that come with being obese and sick, join me and both new and returning Rebels in the next 10 Pound Takedown on Facebook at www.10PoundTakedown.com.