I’ve NEVER seen someone reach goal weight doing this

Know what I’ve never seen someone do?

Trash talk their way to goal weight.

By trash talk, I mean say awful stuff to themselves. “I’ll never get to goal.” “I can’t do this.” “I suck and I deserve to stay fat.”

If you’re in the habit of thinking that stuff, it might still come up. But people who fixate on that kind of thing don’t make it to goal weight. Why?

Because they talk themselves into failing. Seriously, if someone outside you said that stuff to you, would it “set you up for success” or drag you down?

And do you feel powerful when you say that kind of stuff to yourself, or do you feel pitiful?

Watch my video below to hear why you cannot be pitiful and powerful at the same time; and why being pitiful is the opposite of how you wanna be if you expect to lose all your weight and keep it off.