Carrying around more body fat than you want isn’t just annoying to look at.
It’s also hard on your joints.
It screws up how your clothes fit (IF they fit).
It’s hard on your internal organs.
And let’s not forget that a weight problem isn’t just a weight problem.
It’s a symptom of a bigger problem.
For some people, the extra weight represents physical, emotional, or sexual abuse.
For others, it represents self-hatred…
Putting yourself on the back burner to raise kids and/or work…
Settling for a life that’s not what you want…
And so on.
For Andrea Dell, one of my Certified Coaches (and Code Red’s Director of Coaching at the time of this post), the extra fat was a physical manifestation of feeling like a failure.
It was back in 2017 when Andrea realized this.
She was two weeks into her Home Study program when she was fired from her job of nearly 18 years.
She felt like a TOTAL failure…
EXCEPT for her Home Study program. It was the one area where she was enjoying any success (she thought at the time).
So she dug in and lost the rest of her weight in record time…those last 28 pounds melted off in less than two months.
Succeeding on her Home Study program helped restore Andrea’s confidence – AND even send it to all-new levels.
She went from dressing in frumpy jeans, loose shirts, and masculine shoes to leather pants, cute tops, fitted dresses, and heels.
She hired a business coach (someone who was also my business coach at the time) and built a six-figure copywriting business from scratch.
She caught MY eye – so much so I brought her onto the Code Red team AND invited her to be a Certified Coach (which she still is). I even hired her to help with marketing for my NEW company.
In addition to all that, Andrea started taking flying leaps out of her comfort zone.
She moved from her small hometown to Boise. She started traveling more, working with other 7- and 8-figure entrepreneurs, speaking from stage, hosting hundreds of live videos and trainings, and she even wrote a book last year (while navigating the violent attack and death of her little dog).
Now Andrea’s using her years of in-the-trenches content experience to teach people who need help with content for their business how to create it…and not only that, but do so in a way that builds relationships AND inspires their customers/clients to buy…
All because Andrea said “yes” to TAKING HER LIFE BACK (then followed through).
You’ve heard me say weight loss is just the start.
I say that because succeeding at your weight loss in a healthy, sustainable way like Code Red, is like dropping a pebble in a lake.
It creates a ripple effect that shows up in other areas of your life…
Including in ways more incredible than you can possibly imagine right now (as Andrea will tell you).
All this is one reason that I decided to endorse Andrea’s Build Your 30-Day Content Plan program to my community. (I don’t let just anyone offer just anything to my community.)
And I know that not everyone in my community has a business, wants a business, or even cares about making a few extra bucks a month for groceries, gas, a car payment, or whatever it is they need.
But for the people who do, I fully endorse Andrea’s program…so much so that I even recorded an exclusive bonus to inspire you to get it when you get it with my code, CODERED.
When you grab Andrea’s training and use the code, CODERED, at checkout, you’ll also get a massive 85% discount PLUS qualify for this bonus.
It’s called Cristy’s Affiliate Income Secrets, and it’s a soup to nuts training on how to get paid to talk about products you love.
In this bonus training, I’ll show you:
- How and where to pick products to promote
- How to talk about them without sounding fake, sleazy, or pushy
- How to approach companies you want to partner with (including how to stand out from all the sleazy, pushy messages they probably get)
- What to do if a company says NO (this actually happened to me; you’ll hear what I did and how it turned out!)
- How to make sure the people you promote products to see you as trustworthy and honorable, so they don’t doubt you when you talk about products you love
- A SUPER easy way to make it so people come to YOU to buy the product you’re talking about
- A simple four-step plan to get started
- How I decide what to say when I talk about other people’s products
- How OFTEN I talk about the products I share
- MUCH more!
This training is great whether you’re a total beginner to talking about products you love in exchange for getting paid, or whether you’ve already got a business and want to add another revenue stream.
Right now, the only way to get this training is to get Andrea’s Build Your 30-Day Content Plan.
The great thing about getting my bonus training AND Build Your 30-Day Content Plan is that if you’re new, my training will help you pick a product you love.
Then, Andrea’s Build Your 30-Day Content Plan will teach you how to create a simple content plan to talk about it (including WHAT to say in your content).
(If you’ve already got a business, you’ll obviously get all the same benefits.)
Andrea currently helps with Code Red’s content (and has already started helping with my new company’s content)…
Because there’s no one I trust more when it comes to content that helps my people (like you) stay connected, learn, get information and inspiration, and learn about products I have that can help you.
So, if you’re interested in getting paid to talk about products you love, so you can potentially get more income coming in for groceries, gifts, a massage, a Home Study program or supplements from Code Red, or whatever you want, here’s what you do:
1) Go to www.coderedlifestyle.com/build (where you’ll learn more about Andrea’s content plan training)
2) Read it to see everything you’re getting, then click any of the buttons on that page to go to the checkout page
3) On the checkout page, enter your information and payment details
4) Click the text that says “Have A Coupon Code?” and enter the code CODERED, typed out just like that, then click APPLY (make sure you see the price change, because that code gets you $250.00 off AND my bonus training…so you pay just $47 for ALL of it)
5) Submit your payment
6) Watch for an email from Andrea Dell/High Octane Marketing, LLC (her company name) to give you access to the course
Check it out at www.coderedlifestyle.com/build and follow the instructions above (especially the CODERED promo code part!) to get the course, my bonus training, and your 85% discount!