It feels like I’ll never get this weight off

When you’ve been losing weight for most of your life, it’s not a surprise you sometimes feel like you’ll “never” get the weight off.

What you’ve gotta remember is that talk like that – “never” talk – is actually very harmful to your progress.

In our instant gratification society, I get why stuff that takes more than two nanoseconds feels boring and tedious.

But the truth is, some stuff is gonna take longer than you want, and refusing to stick it out deprives you of results you want.

It’s a sign of maturity and strength to stick it out, instead of live at the whim of instant gratification.

Still, if you catch yourself feeling like you’ll “never” get the weight off, here’s what you can tell yourself to shift that feeling before it can take root and contribute to self-sabotage:

1) “Never” is a long time. You could live 100 lifetimes and still never hit never.

Instead of fixating on how long it’s taking, fixate on how great it’ll be to be free of this weight for good!

Then keep doing the right things, consistently, STOP doing the wrong things, and you’ll get the weight off.

2) Your weight didn’t pack on overnight, and it’s not going to come off overnight, either.

When you correctly and consistently follow Code Red, it will come off (probably faster than you expect), but it won’t be overnight.

As the joke goes, it takes years to become an overnight success.

It may not take years to get your weight off (unless you screw around or have a LOT to lose), but it’ll probably take months. Overnight loss of ALL your weight ain’t gonna happen. Slide into the peace of acceptance, and keep chugging along.

3) You’ve lived enough of your life fat and sick. Time to live the rest healthy, and at a healthy weight.

Food sure takes up a lot of time and brain power these days, but food is not the only part of life worth living.

If your desire and ability to do other things is hampered by your food choices, it may seem like food’s the only thing you have to look forward to, but it’s not.

There’s an entire world full of experiences and adventures, and sacrificing all of it at the altar of food, food, and more food isn’t something you’re gonna look back on and be glad you did.

I know it’s tough when the scale’s not moving like you want, but please remember: You are worth this, you can do this, and you will be glad you did this, even if you’re not glad right this second.

Not every second of every journey is rainbows and unicorn farts. There are great parts, and there are hard parts.

When you’re a Code Red Rebel, you pick your hard.

It’s hard being where you were, and it’s hard getting to where you wanna be.

Which hard will YOU pick?

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1) On your computer, create your account at

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