What to do if you don’t like vegetables

To lose weight on the Code Red Lifestyle™, we eat meat, vegetables, nuts, eggs, seeds, seafood, and dietary fat.

One question I often get from people new to Code Red is, “Cristy, what if I don’t like vegetables?”

There are animal-based ways of eating that, when you do them properly, don’t require you to eat vegetables, but that’s not what we do to lose weight on Code Red. On Code Red, we include a fat, a protein, and a veggie with every meal.

But if you don’t like vegetables, it’s probably for these two reasons:

1) Your palette is so damaged from chemical- and sugar-soaked processed food that most real food probably doesn’t taste that good to you, AND/OR…

2) You’re not used to eating vegetables that have been cooked and seasoned in a delicious way.

What’s more, the vegetables you buy at supermarkets tend to have a fraction of the flavor you get from home-grown veggies. If you’ve never had home-grown vegetables, it’s no wonder you don’t like veggies!

When you start eating the way we eat on Code Red, and your palette recovers from the processed food damage, food in general tastes better.

It’s common for people who eat the Code Red way to start asking, “Is it just me, or does food taste better?”

It’s not just you! When your palette recovers from the processed food, you may find you like veggies more than you thought!

Also, how veggies are prepared can make a huge difference in whether or not you like them.

If they’re bland and blah, it might be harder for you to like them than if they’re cooked in real butter, salted, and seasoned.

Another great thing about the Code Red Lifestyle™ is that if you have to “gag down” a weight loss mode-approved food, you don’t have to eat it! There are enough options that you can find something else!

This definitely includes veggies.

Even if you hate “most” veggies, there are probably two or three Code Red-approved veggies you do okay with.

If so, the solution you’re looking for is simple. Eat the veggies you do okay with, include your fat and protein, and call it a day!

Have you created your free Code Red Lifestyle™ network account yet? If not, here’s how to get your account!

1) On your computer, create your account at www.CodeRedLifestyle.com/App.

2) If you want the network on a mobile device, go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search for Code Red Lifestyle.