On the one hand, it’s just crazy to me someone would have to ask whether a certain food is a vegetable.
I remember someone once asked me if watermelon was a vegetable!
On the other hand, it doesn’t surprise me a lot of people in today’s world have no clue what a vegetable is. Here’s why.
The last couple generations of people have grown up around a LOT of processed foods.
Many people live almost exclusively on food that comes from a box, a can, or a package.
If they eat at a restaurant, they’re not wondering which foods are vegetables, or fats, or sugar.
The fact so many people are forgetting – or not learning at all – what a vegetable is reaffirms why this world desperately needs the Code Red Lifestyle™.
Our bodies did not evolve to thrive on processed food.
Sure, it’ll keep us alive for a while, but the price we pay is MASSIVE. It goes way beyond obesity.
We’ve also got skyrocketing rates of disease. We’ve got KIDS getting diseases that used to happen almost exclusively to the elderly (if they happened at all).
The overwhelming amounts of sugar, UNhealthy whole grains, and processed, chemical-soaked junk are slowly, yes, but VERY surely, poisoning us.
And while we’re alive, our quality of life gets worse and worse.
The thing is, it doesn’t have to continue like that.
Natural, real, whole foods that actually nourish your body and lead to weight loss are readily available.
And no, you do not have to resort to bland, limp, low-fat salads. On Code Red we eat rich, delicious, filling, high-fat foods.
Vegetables are among those foods.
So yeah, you’ll wanna get familiar with what a vegetable is – a REAL vegetable, not the chemical onion flavor in sour cream and onion potato chips.
Even if it’s pretty different from how you’re eating now, it’s what has to happen for you to TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.
The Code Red community is full of people who’ve done exactly that, including people who used to live on processed food. They figured it out. My Coaches and Leaders and I helped them.
We can help you, too. Remember, you aren’t alone in this, even if it feels like it right now. Get on a challenge using the red button below, and get started NOW. There’s never been a better time to TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.