Imagine putting your hand on a burning hot stove…and leaving it there.
“Cristy, that’s crazy! Why the heck would I ever do that?”
I know, it doesn’t make any sense.
But did you know that, if you’re sick and overweight, something very similar to that is going on inside your body right now?
It’s called inflammation. Let me explain what I mean.
You’ve no doubt seen or experienced the pain, swelling, redness, and water retention that comes, say, when you sprain your ankle.
That’s one example of inflammation. It’s the body’s natural defense system. And it’s meant to be temporary – a way for your body to protect itself.
Unfortunately, over two-thirds of the people in the United States are living in a constant state of inflammation…in the form of obesity and disease.
There’s a constant fire burning in their bodies. The cause?
Consumption of bull crap food, aka sugar, processed grains, processed foods and junk foods, and excess carbohydrates.
As Dr. Mark Hyman says, to be fat is to be inflamed. In other words, you can never succeed at permanent weight loss if you’re eating foods that cause inflammation.
On the Code Red Lifestyle™, we eliminate foods that cause inflammation. Doing this allows our bodies to “cool down.”
And when they do, they release the water they were retaining. That water is followed by body fat.
Best of all, without the fire of inflammation always feeding it, diseases improve (and in many cases, heal).
I’m talking things like Type II diabetes, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, arthritis, and many more.
Add in the water and sleep I always talk about, and improvement can start in as little as a week. Sometimes it’s even less.
(Weight loss starts immediately for the majority of people who follow the rules.)
If you’re overweight, and/or suffering other health problems, your body is burning up from the fire of inflammation.
The Code Red Lifestyle™ can help you cool it, plus provide the support and community to help you stay on track.
The longer your body’s inflamed, the fatter and sicker it’ll get. Don’t wait another day!