Have a lot of weight to lose?

My sister, Cari, lost 110 pounds on the Code Red Lifestyle™.

But if you’d asked her, back when she was heavy, whether she could imagine losing 100-plus pounds, she’d have told you no.

The reason?


One hundred pounds, two hundred pounds – it seems like SO much.

I have hundreds of clients who’ve lost 100-plus pounds, and like Cari, when they began their weight loss journey, the thought of losing that much weight was so overwhelming, it threatened to paralyze them.

But here’s the thing.

The strategy for coping with overwhelm in your weight loss journey and coping with it in other areas of your life is the same…

You chip away.

I tell my clients with a lot of weight to lose NOT to focus on the 100-plus pounds as a whole.

Instead, I suggest they break it down into smaller increments, and focus on hitting those mini-goals.

For some, that’s every 25 pounds. For others, it might be every 10 pounds. Whatever seems manageable to them.

Just like the saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time,” how do you lose 100+ pounds on the Code Red Lifestyle™?

One pound at a time.

Break it down into manageable increments. Then chip away.

And make sure you reward yourself (NOT with food!) when you reach those mini-goals.

It’s important to celebrate your success…because you are working hard, you are taking your life back, and that is most definitely worth celebrating.