I’m so angry right now, and I feel guilty for feeling angry.
I mean, look at this photo of me with Annabelle.
I am healthy and strong enough to run 5 miles without stopping. So many people can’t do this for many reasons.
I have so many other things to be thankful for, and don’t get me wrong – I am! Code Red is going strong, my husband is vibrant and healthy and my family is safe.
But my heart is breaking right now as our economy comes to a screeching halt.
My heart is breaking for my hairstylist, my nail technician and the waitresses at my favorite breakfast joint who are all out of work…
For the medical workers at our local hospitals who are exhausted, pulling double shifts and understaffed…
For our parents, who are now turning into full-time teachers; and for our teachers, who’ve had to relearn teaching all over again using different techniques and styles.
Tears are being shed now more than ever, and I’m angry.
Truck drivers and delivery services are burning the midnight oil to meet the demands of consumers (myself included) wanting their new puzzles and Bob Ross painting kit so they can stay busy while cooped up.
I’m angry that all I want to do is eat out of boredom while at the same time telling my clients to stop eating out of boredom!
My community looks to me for strength and leadership as my strength waivers and my anger bubbles.
I have to remind myself to take deep breaths, and tell myself this will all be over one day.
It’s OK to be angry, frustrated, confused. It’s OK to cry, pitch a fit and scream. But it’s not OK to quit and it’s not OK to go back to your old ways.
In fact, the only way to get through this is to come out stronger physically, mentally and spiritually.
Truly, that’s our only option.
And I know we can do it.
We can stay positive, we can stay productive, and we can connect and support one another as best we can.