“You mean I can’t have _______???”
That panicked comment pops up every once in a while from someone who’s new to Code Red.
And you know the biggest issue I have with it?
Straight out of the gate, this person’s already hyper-focused on what they “can’t” have. It really starts you off on the wrong foot.
Obviously no one’s twisting your arm. YOU choose whether to follow Code Red’s foods and rules lists.
But if you choose not to, you will not get the results people who consistently follow the foods and rules lists get. It’s that simple.
“I get that, Cristy, but I just want to lose weight without feeling deprived!”
Look, this “feeling deprived” mindset of dwelling on what you think you can’t have and can’t do is all about perception.
Since our perceptions determine our reality, changing your perceptions can have a HUGE impact on your success, and of course your overall satisfaction with your life.
Here’s some examples, in the context of Code Red, of what I’m talking about:
Lack mindset: “Well I can’t have my chips.”
Success mindset: “I get to eat rich, delicious foods that help me lose weight and eliminate inflammation, which may lead to less pain and disease in my body, so I’ll spend less time at the doctor’s office, less time hurting and aching, and I’ll be able to fully live and enjoy my life.”
Lack mindset: “Well I can’t have my Pepsi.”
Success mindset: “I get to drink water, which helps me flush out built-up toxins that are damaging my body, and promotes weight loss. As a result, I’ll get to feel alert and refreshed, and finally be free of this weight!”
Lack mindset: “I can’t have my 10 p.m. popcorn and wine.”
Success mindset: “I gladly finish eating earlier, so my body has time to digest my food before bed, and can repair itself and reset my hormones while I’m asleep. Not only will this help me see a drop on the scale the next morning, it may help my body recover from disease. That’s great news!”
See what I mean? Shifting your focus away from what you supposedly “can’t” have to what you CAN have and get to do not only makes you more successful, you’ll just feel so much happier all around.
My video below, which is about nutrition plans with no restrictions, is a can’t-miss if you struggle with “feeling deprived” on Code Red.