I’m disappointed in myself, Cristy

Disappointment is one of the toughest emotions to deal with. The only thing worse than someone you care about saying they’re disappointed in you is feeling disappointed in yourself.

I’m a very black and white person, so if someone tells me they’re gonna join my program and lose their weight once and for all, I expect them to freaking do it.

I have plenty of clients who do exactly that. They follow the program and get their weight off, and in so doing, don’t give themselves any reason to disappoint me or themselves.

But I also have clients who DO give me, and themselves, cause for disappointment.

They have a “weak moment,” get stressed, cave to peer pressure, see a gain instead of a loss on the scale–whatever it is–get triggered, and make choices that derail their progress.

And then, unsurprisingly, they feel disappointed in themselves.

When that happens, it often leads them down a dark spiral of guilt and shame.

Instead of getting back on the wagon, they let themselves get dragged behind it, and often gain back some, or even all, of their weight.

Of course I’d rather you didn’t go off the rails in the first place, and what I’m about to say is by no means permission to keep doing so.

But if you do screw up, and you’re beating yourself up, pigging out, and making things worse, here’s what I want you to do:

Just stop.

Stop right now. Put the food down, get it out of the house if it’s bull crap food, and start again.

Beating yourself up won’t fix this. Neither will continuing to pig out because you “already screwed up” and think you may as well keep going.

The wagon you need to get back on isn’t five miles down the road and up a treacherous mountain path. It’s right there, right in front of you, ready for you to hop back on and keep going.

Just stop, re-commit, and start again.

Let the disappointment go, and focus on making choices that’ll leave you feeling proud of yourself.

Reach out if you need some encouragement. Talk to a supportive friend, co-worker, or family member. If you’re in one of my coaching groups, post and get some help.

Whatever you do, don’t drop off the face of the planet and hide.

That’s only gonna keep you in that prison of fat, sickness, and misery you’re trying so hard to escape.

Stop, re-commit, and start again.

You can do this. You have what it takes. Don’t let yourself quit!