Q & A from Instagram – Episode 17

cristy code red podcast

What Is This Episode About…

In this episode, we’re doing Instagram Q & A again because we’ve got a lot of requests from Code Red fans who wrote in from Instagram and it was well received last time we did this. I answered them unscripted and unfiltered, honest and as candidly as I could, and I’ll be doing the same thing again in this episode.

These questions are from real people who have asked on Instagram and they have given me permission to share their names and shoutout. We covered a lot of topics from general questions about weight loss, the best choices you can use for a healthy diet, fat vs muscles, and preparing for the weight loss challenge, and much more. This is going to be fun! Listen in and I hope you learn something from this episode. Rebel On…

Key Points Discussed:

  • Can you drink too much water?  (02:56)
  • Traveling tips  (06:51)
  • The truth about exercising and weight gain (07:25)
  • Numbers in measuring your food intake (08:45)
  • The “morning” ritual (9:25)
  • Good, better and best choices (11:36)
  • Macros or Calories in weight loss  (14:07)
  • People always do borrowing trouble (15:04)
  • Does muscle weigh more than fat? (16:38)
  • Things to prepare for the weight loss challenge (18:28)
  • The difference of someone on maintenance or weight loss program (21:36)
  • Way to avoid self-sabotage in weight loss (23:36)

Learn More About The Content Discussed…

Get the Code Red On-The-Go Guide here.

When Was It Released…

This episode was released July 17, 2019

Episode Transcript…

The  Transcript Is Auto Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors 

00:03 I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. Where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening.

00:28 Alright, welcome. Welcome. Welcome to Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. I’m Cristy Code Red. I’m your host. Thank you for being here. Thank you for joining. Thank you for watching. Thank you for listening. Whether you’re going to work or school or you’re getting ready right now. I know that our podcast drops pretty early in the morning every Wednesday, so that helps me cause I like to listen to podcasts while I’m getting ready stuff. Whoops. Hello. I’m just going to keep the camera rolling. I forgot to silence my phone. So today you guys, this went over really well last time I did this. We got a lot of requests for more of this and that was questions, raw, real, uncensored, honest answers from people who wrote in from Instagram and gave me permission to share their names. So I’m excited and in exchange for reading your question on a live podcast, I’m going to give you a shout out.

01:28 So excited to have these. I have not read through them. It just gotten pulled up. I’m going to turn my phone around and show the camera. I’ve just got them pulled up on my phone and I’m just going to go through and read them. And I’m sorry, first of all, in advance if I’ll screw up your name. If I screw up, like the pronunciation of your name or all the letters are all at once and I say the wrong, you know, the wrong thing at the wrong time. I apologize. I don’t mean to do that. And please don’t, you know, I really hope you’re not getting offended by the way that I talk. By the way that I answered things, I just don’t BSU, which is probably why this podcast is rating show. Well, I mean, we’re rated so well in the United States right now of all health, fitness and weight loss podcasts. I think people are just so sick of bullcrap. They’re so tired of just being pacified and just being sold at crap all the time. And I just think people who have had enough of it. So I’m not about any of that. I’m just, that’s not me.

02:27 So, alright, let me start here. You guys ready for this? Everybody ready? Here we go. The first question, Jessica Mo, see right off the bat, I’m already screwing up names. Is it Malachi? Is it mostly Malachi? I’m sorry, Jess. All right. Jessica says, can you drink too much water? Yes, you can say my name. Say My name. Say My name. Alright. So Jessica says, ah, can you drink too much water? Yeah, I guess technically you can. It’s very difficult to do because if you’re drinking too much water, you’re going to throw it up before you’re actually going to give yourself brain damage.

03:06 You know, your body has a great way of regulating itself. And what I want people to avoid doing is drinking too much too quickly. Like trying to hurry up and get there the rest of their gallon in before 5:00 PM or something and they’re like glug, glug, glug. Like they’re in there, just making look, you’re going to get a headache, you’re going to throw up, you’re going to get, I mean there are things that are going to happen that’s going to long before you actually still slip into some sort of a coma or all of this bullcrap things you hear people say. We also noticed that people who drink too much water are mentally ill patients because they don’t have the capacity to be able to regulate that. But the body is gonna, for the majority of people, I just never hear of this happening, very rarely.

03:49 And of course the, you know, the two times on the planet that this has happened hypoatremia, people want to blow it up and they want to use that for a bullcrap excuse on why they can’t drink their water, when I don’t want to drink too much water. Well. Oh, okay. But you’re drinking a half a case, a Diet Coke and a bottle of wine every day and a Red Bull then a Venti Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks. So, oh, you’re getting the fluids in, but when it comes to drinking water, everybody wants to freak out. So technically you can drink too much water, but I don’t think that you just are at a risk of the happening that happened and most people are not at risk for having that happen.

04:26 Elena says, Elena Frederick writes in and she says, what are your tips for traveling? How do you not go against your new life? Here’s my black and this is Cristy coming out here. This is, this is Cristy’s black and white way of looking at this. Alright. Here you have discovered and I’m talking, I’m not talking about Elena. I’m talking about the global you hear, a Code Red Rebel has discovered a way to lose weight and get healthy without shakes pill diet, Foods are exercising, they’re losing weight, clothes are fitting better. They’ve got more confidence, they’ve got more energy, they’re sleeping better, their hormones are regulating. And now because they’re traveling, they all of a sudden want to go off the rails. So all of these great things are happening. But that’s not enough for you to quit, not to eat the junk food while you’re traveling. Are you kidding me? Like to me that just doesn’t make any sense. This is so black and white

05:21 to me like what’s the alternative? So you go back to your old ways of feeling sick and fat and your hormones being out of whack and you sleeping like crap and you feeling like crap. And so that’s the alternative cause that’s what’s going to happen if you go back to your old ways, that’s what’s going to happen. The old self going to come back. You feel so good and you’re so happy. It’s so clear-headed and your joints don’t hurt. So I don’t, I just think that that would be enough to keep you on track, but evidently is not because I get questions like this all the time. How do you not go against your new life? I mean she could’ve probably worded that a little bit different to where it wouldn’t make me quite go. Like you know that far to the other side.

06:00 But the best thing you can do when Elena and everybody is watching, when you are traveling, is to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, drink lots of water. You do not want to let your water slip. You don’t, you don’t want to let it slip because a lack of hydration is going to send hunger signals and you’re just going to get completely out of whack. When I travel, I stay completely away from sugar. I don’t have even just one bite. It’s like the Idaho Meth commercials. With Idaho has thisMeth campaign with a , trying to get people of Meth. And it said in it, the big billboards say Meth. Not even once. And that’s what I’m saying. That’s what you have to kind of treat the sugar, not even a little bit cause it just starts this vicious cycle in your body. So the best thing I can do is say is hydrate. My top three traveling tips for myself, for Cristy I always stay hydrated. I always get my sleep and I always exercise every morning. That’s me personally. Those are my top three things that are non-negotiables. When I travel and I travel every week so I travel a lot. I am in maintenance. will exercising cause a slight weight gain, one to two pounds.

07:07 Will exercising cause a slight weight gain, one to two pounds.? Kathy Ma, is it Milson? Kathy Milson okay, I’m in maintenance. Will exercise cause a slight weight gain? It depends on the exercise you’re going to do Kathy. So if you start off, if you have not exercised at all and you all of a sudden start off with five days a week at CrossFit. You’re really, really, really sore, well that’s what happens, Kathy. The muscle fibers tear and as a way of combating that inflammation, your body’s going to hang on to fluid and that’s going to cause a slight weight gain. Also, when people start exercising aggressively, it does increase hunger and unless you’re really being careful, you will start eating more and people will think I’m gaining muscle.

07:55 Well, you ain’t gaining muscle in four days, right? You’re gaining water weight and that’s going to turn into liquid pounds are going to turn into real pounds. So you really want to be careful. It depends. I mean, it depends on if you’ve never exercised before. If you’re starting to exercise from scratch. It depends on what you’re doing. It depends on the frequency, the intensity. It just depends on a lot of different things. Kathy, it’s a kind of a tough question for me to answer without knowing you, but yeah, I mean that’s usually what we see. We see the increase and then we see it come back down. Should I weigh my food and use measuring spoons? This is SQ Blondie, right? Should I weigh my food and use measuring spoons? Measuring Cups. First of all, everything that is other than a liquid or powder gets put on a food scale, but here’s the problem.

08:23 Should I weigh my food and use measuring spoons? This is SQ Blondie, right? Should I weigh my food and use measuring spoons? measuring cups? First of all, everything that is other than a liquid or powder gets put on a food scale, but here’s the problem, SQ Blondie. You don’t know what yet. Yeah, you should may if you’re in weight loss mode. Yeah. You need to weigh and measure your food because eyeballing doesn’t work. Alright? That eyeballing bullcrap, everybody eyeballs wrong. Everybody eyeballs wrong. You always ride ball wrong. So you’re gonna want to put everything on a food scale, everything. Then you do want to measure in grams if you can. That’s a smaller unit of measurement and it’s more accurate. But if you don’t have a custom program, how do you know what you should be eating? I mean to you a 13 ounce ribeye is perfectly acceptable. Yeah, it looks good to me. 13 ounces. But how do you know if that’s the right amount for you? So yes, you should be weighing and logging all of your food, but again, you’re going to need to know what to do with those numbers.

09:25 If you consistently go poop a couple of hours after you wake up, can you just wait until then to weigh in? This is clear as muddy water. Thank you. Good question. And I don’t, I know that you guys are giggling. A lot of you kids that listen to me, everybody’s like giggling because Cristy said poop, is something that we just don’t talk about and we should. And we talk about it a lot on Code Red. Yes. So that’s what I do. Okay. I do. I weigh myself first thing in the morning. I get up, I go potty, and then I get on the scale naked and then I weigh myself. But then I go potty. Like I go poop, right? And then I usually weigh myself again and I take the lighter of the two ways. That’s what I do. So yeah, I would weigh again or just wait until you weigh in and if it’s a couple of hours, I don’t think that too much inflammation was set in. And I think that that’s not enough to offset whatever getting the poop out is going to give you on this scale.

10:16 All right, Kim Tuschoff. Kim says, uh, what is your view on hemp seeds? I don’t know a lot about hemp seeds, Kim. I think they’re probably pretty benign, but I’d have to look into it. I just don’t get a lot. I don’t get that question very often. This is what happens when you don’t read the questions ahead and I want to skip that one. No, that’s okay. I like being honest and candid and real. Kim, I don’t know a lot about hemp seeds. I think they’re probably fine. There are probably a ton of nutritional benefits. I mean we say seeds and those are seeds, so I’d have to look at the data on them. But I think they’re probably fine.

10:49 Marla Jean asks, tell us what we can put in our coffee. I saw that you pack your own Stevia, but what can we use as a creamer? Marla I’m not a big fan of dairy. However, I’m not going to ask people to do something that I’m not willing to do and so we do allow heavy cream or whipping cream in your coffee. It’s a cleaner source of dairy. Still dairy is inflammatory, so you need to know that and a lot of people are lactose intolerant. You need to know that. I would prefer you to put coconut cream in your coffee. It’s going to be much cleaner and it’s not going to cause the inflammation. It’s just, it’s going to be a great vegan source of creamer. I’m not a fan of those sugar-free creamers. I’m not a fan of sugar-free Toronto’s Syrups, but you can totally use them. They’re not bad. I just don’t think it’s optimal.

11:36 I mean, we look at things like good, better and best. All right. It’s good that you’re not using that. You’re using a sugar-free vanilla creamer as opposed to the full sugar vanilla creamer. That’s a good option. Better would be heavy cream. Heavy cream or whipping cream with a little bit of Stevia. Best would be coconut cream. You know what I’m saying? So that’s what we kind of want you to put in your coffee.

12:00 Ah, let’s see, Fit to be lean. Fit to be lean asks, how long does it, I think she, she’s not writing this right. That’s why I’m hesitating. That’s why I’m trying to, I think she means to, write. How long does it take to fully burn fat over a month and still get hungry? She, I think she, I’m sorry. I think she means to write “How long does it take to fully burn fat

12:22 over a month?” Oh, she’s in over a month and I still get hungry right before meals. You mean how? There are a couple of things that I’m asking. I don’t know. Does she mean how long does it take to start burning fat? And you’re going to start burning fat pretty quick. You know, when you’re producing ketones guys, when in the absence of glucose, your body will produce ketone bodies. And that’s ketone bodies are produced in the liver and you’re starting to burn fat. So how long does it take? Everybody’s different. But as soon as you start producing those ketones, which is as long as you’d get off, you know, you’ve got to get off the sugar, everybody’s different. I don’t know, a week to six weeks. I mean, I’m giving you a wide birth there because I just don’t know you. I don’t know anything about you.

13:05 Um, she says I’m over a month in and I still get hungry before meals. Yeah. Well, so I mean, if she says hungry, I don’t know. You know, I mean, it depends on her tolerance level. I get hungry before meals too. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But hungry I’ll, you’ll get no, get over it. You’ll get past it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. But also you need to make sure there’s enough fat in your diet so that you’re being held over between meals. There’s, and I don’t know when she’s eating, I don’t know what her hormone levels are right now. I don’t know how old she is and there’s so many things. I don’t know what she’s eating for calories. Is she eating the right amount of calories or so many things? I don’t know.

13:44 In this question that there’s so many variables between macros. This is Pregnant Trophy Wife, by the way. I know who she is and she’s not pregnant. Because you’re not allowed to do Code Red if you’re pregnant, that’s a liability. You can do Code Red, but don’t put yourself in weight loss mode between macros and calories. What makes the biggest impact on weight loss? Oh, Shana. Between macros and calories, they’re both equally good. All right. You can’t have really one without the other. The macros need to be in line because that’s going to control the insulin. All right? The calories need to be in line because you still need to keep your volume in check. What’s the most impact? Probably the macros because if you get that insulin down, why you can’t lose weight in the presence of insulin. So you have to get that insulin down. So having your macros in, in line and dialed in, that’s going to help at least mitigate the high insulin levels and the problems that come along with that.

14:40 Massive problems when you have high insulin levels, massive problems. So at least keeping the macros in check and dialed in is gonna mitigate the high insulin levels and that’s going to be great. That’s going to help regulate hormones. But calories do matter. Calories do matter.

14:58 How do you keep, this is Mermaid Anel. Mermaid Anel, how do you keep your skin from sagging after weight loss? I get this question all the time and the problem is people want to worry now. I don’t know anything about her. She, maybe she is already at goal weight. But people want to borrow trouble by worrying about skin sagging long before their weight is even off. They’ve got like 72 pounds to go, or 36 pounds to go and they’re already worried about. That’s called borrowing trouble. Why would you do that? Let’s worry about that when we get there.

15:30 What I say about skin sagging, the first thing I’d like to see when people get to weight loss, when they get to weight goal, when they get to their goal weight, I want to see them implementing a hardcore weight lifting schedule three times a week for an entire year. Do not pass. Go. Do not collect $200. I don’t stop hard. I’m not talking about Zumba. I’m not talking about cycling. I’m talking about lifting weights hard for three times a week for an entire 12 months. If you have done that and you still have saggy skin, then you can look at other methods like maybe you need to have a skin removal surgery. But people want to jump right to skin removal surgery instead of trying the other options. She don’t try to exhaust all their options. There are some collagen proteins you can take. There are some other things you can do, Mermaid Anel to help with the loose skin, but don’t borrow trouble. Don’t worry about that yet.

16:23 Brandy Rae is somebody I really like and Brandy says, I know the answer to this, but maybe for newbies, can you please explain the whole muscle weighs more than fat? Of course you can say my name Cristy, Brandy Rae just got her RN. So excited! Muscle and fat weigh the same weight. His weight no matter what you’re talking about. And I’ve heard even personal trainers say this, and I’m sorry, but years ago I was the idiot that used to say it too. Muscle does not weigh more than fat. Weight is weight. You’re talking about a pound of fat, a pound of muscle. You’re talking about a pound of bricks, a pound of feathers. You’re talking about a pound of coffee or a pound of Chia seeds.

16:59 There’s still a pound, a pound as a pound, as a pound, as a pound across the board. But what she’s referring to and what people are trying to say is that muscle takes up less room than fat. It’s volume is volume. Muscle is more dense. Of course there’s a lot of benefits to having a lot more muscle on me on you. You look at me at 155 pounds, 156 pounds, and you look at somebody else. I mean, I have less fat on me than a lot of people that I know that are 136 pounds, 126 pounds. I mean, I just saw a girl the other day that was 126 pounds and she’s got fat rolls all through her midsection. I don’t have any. So muscle and fat, the body composition makes a difference. You got to figure out how much muscle you have on versus how much fat. But no muscle does not weigh more than fat. Weight is weight no matter what you’re talking about.

17:53 Ah, Sandy in Idaho, Sandy in Idaho, I think that’s what her name. How to start before the challenge if you don’t quite know what to do? Great questions, Sandy. Sandy in Idaho. Huh? Oh Sandy. Okay. Sorry. I’m trying to, I’m trying to get these Instagram handles right. But I’m telling you guys, they’re just kinda screwed up sometimes I can’t quite get it or I’m kind of crazy. Anyway, Sandy wants to know what can you do before you start a challenge? Great question. I get this all the time. Thank you for asking it Sandy. What you can do before a challenge is you can make sure that you buy a good water jug that you like. Different people like different things. I have two different water jugs. This is my at-home water jug.

18:40 This is 40 ounce hydro flask with a straw because I wear a lot of lipstick. Then I have my Code Red 27 ounce stainless steel water bottle that I, that is a Code Red branded. I love that water bottle and that is 27 ounces. But I like it cause it fits in Cup holders. It will also fit in my travel pocket of my bag, of my travel bag and I take it with me when I actually travel in the car or out of town. So the first thing you want to do is get a water jug that you like, one or two or whatever’s gonna work for you. Some people just like to carry around the gallon of juice. It doesn’t matter. You want to get a camel’s back for, you know, with a straw, whatever you need to do. But you got to get that first.

19:19 You’ve got to get a good quality scale, Sandy. You’ve got to make sure that you have a good scale that reads. The digital that’s new, or at least that you can see very well. Don’t get an old school scale from 1979, all right? That’s not going to even be accurate. All right? Get a good quality scale, change out the batteries, make sure that sucker works, and then you can start by doing things like, what can I do before the challenge? You don’t want to get started too far ahead because we talk about every single day on the challenge. I teach you something new about the challenge. That’s why the challenge is so powerful everyday and it goes in order. Like at the, it goes day to day to day for what I teach on that day is significant for that day for a reason. It’s supposed to be taught on day three.

20:00 I’m supposed to teach that subject on day seven. I’m supposed to teach that one on day 23 like I’d got it all strategically planned through the month for a reason. So you don’t want to start ahead too much but you can start getting used to the water cause you’re going to need to drink a gallon of water during the challenge so you can start increasing your water slowly. And you can also start turning off your phone a little earlier at night so that you get your sleep because most people are chronically sleep deprived in our society. Great question.

20:28 Uh, this is Griffin J. Griffin. I know that Griffin. I know that it’s okay to use your name. Are there Vegan alternative forms of the foods we are not allowed to eat on Code Red? Are their Vegan alternative of the forms of the foods we are not allowed to eat on Code Red?

20:50 Like is cheese okay to eat? No. No. Just because it’s Vegan doesn’t mean that it’s like the things I have. You not eat on Code Red like sweet potatoes or yams. Look, they’re awesome. They’re Vegan, but I don’t want you eating them because they’re going to slow down on your weight loss. Okay? I don’t want you having legumes and lentils because they’ll slow down your weight loss. So no the stuff on the do not eat list is my list. Don’t deviate from it. Don’t change it and don’t do the workaround.

21:23 Uh, what can you drink at Starbucks? This is Kim Tuschoff again. What can you drink in Starbucks that is Code Red approved for someone in maintenance? So, here’s what I was saying for someone in maintenance versus someone not like in weight loss. Okay. Someone in maintenance versus someone in weight loss.

21:44 Um, what can you drink at Starbucks? I personally wouldn’t change what I drink in maintenance versus weight loss as Starbucks. What I would change, maintenance versus weight loss is the measuring. When you’re in maintenance, we don’t measure things quite, we don’t focus on the measuring and maintenance. But I wouldn’t change it. I would still have heavy cream. I would still keep it, you know, you can have a cold brew. You can take the coffee with over ice and then pour the heavy cream over that, add a little bit of Stevia or you could have a hot steam that heavy cream, pour it into the milk. I mean pour it into the coffee and add a little Stevia. That’s my personal opinion. But I don’t explore a lot of things. I don’t, I’m not a real, big fan of the sugar free syrups or those real heavy cause they, I just, I can’t control what’s going in ’em guys.

22:36 And ultimately I want to control what’s going on in me. So Kim, I’m sorry, that’s probably not the answer you were looking for. But someone in maintenance versus someone in weight loss, what can I have as Starbucks now that I’m in maintenance? The same thing you would have in weight loss. Just not measure.

22:51 All right. This is a great question is On the road to BSN. She says that’s okay if I can use your name, On the road to BSN. Which is awesome by the way. Congratulations. Keep going. You’re doing great. Just keep going. You’re going to get that BSN in the program. What’s eating you? Is it beneficial to invest in before a custom program? I struggled with self sabotage. Great question. Is it beneficial to invest in before a custom program? I don’t think it really matters if you invest in it before or during.

23:30 I guess now, let’s see. You can tell this as live now that I’m thinking of this and kind of thinking through it out loud here. Yeah, it would actually be very helpful to go through that what’s eating you and identify your triggers before a custom program. That way you’re really, really ready to go. You’re really geared up and you, you can tackle your custom program like huge. Like that would be just huge and then you’d be like, you already go into it fully, fully prepared. So yeah, to answer your question, is it beneficial to invest in a custom program? I mean invest in what’s eating you before custom program? Yeah, I would do that. I would because it’s what’s going to happen if you don’t identify those triggers that cause you to self sabotage. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your custom program, you’re gonna self sabotage so we got to get that locked in, locked and loaded. I mean we’ve got to make sure that is good to go. So, On the road to BSN, Yep. I would invest in it. If you had the option, if you were going to do a custom program and what’s hitting you and you were wondering which one to do first, go ahead and do what seating you and then do a custom program. Totally that’s a good idea.

24:33 All right guys, that’s all the time I have for today to get through these questions. Great questions. Thank you so very much. Of course 10 Pound Takedown, we are having a challenge. Go to 10 poundtakedown.com, register for the challenge. If you want to skip to the front of the line, go to coderedlifestyle.com, click on programs, choose your coach. but let me warn you, this is not a Kumbaya, sit around the fire and telling you how great you are, even though you ate that more bullcrap.

25:00 Guys, I want you to come to the custom program understanding that it is a hardcore program. There’s nobody better at getting off weight on people than me, but that comes at a cost. I expect you to be 100% compliant. I expect you to 100% follow through with everything I say. Do not argue. Do not deviate. Do not do the workaround. Do the program exactly as I’ve written it for you. Okay? Unless you’re ready to do that, if you’re ready to do that, come to me. Come on. We’re ready for you. But if you’re not ready and you want to fight me every step of the way, don’t bother wasting your money or your time or my time and my coaches times. Okay? Understand what the program is, is hardcore for a reason. Okay. All right. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. I appreciate you guys. Have a good one.

25:47 Thanks for listening to this episode of Rebel Weight Loss and Lifestyle. If you’re not subscribed already, please be sure to do that right now. And if you enjoyed this episode, I would love it if you could do me a quick favor and rate and review this podcast, that would be just so helpful. Speaking of health, let me know if I can help you. Go to coderedlifestyle.com check out my programs and see what we can do for you. Until next time, rebel on.