How to make willpower unnecessary for success

Willpower. Feels pretty good when you use it and “stay strong,” doesn’t it?
The only problem with willpower is that it may come and go.
Hey, I am ALL for using and improving yours. I’m ALSO all for putting measures in place so you don’t have to rely on it all the time.
Some examples of what this can look like: Get the trigger foods out of your house. Fill all your water bottles up the night before, and put the first one in the bathroom, so it’s right there waiting after you weigh yourself.
Bring your own food with you to social occasions, or eat before you go, so you don’t need as much willpower to resist tempting foods.
Ask your spouse to hide their junk food from you.
See what I mean? There are all kinds of ways you can put measures in place to reduce – or eliminate – the need for willpower.
To put more measures in place in YOUR life, the first thing to do is look at when and where you’re most likely to go off-plan in some way.
Is it at night, after a hard day at work?
Is it mid-afternoon at the office break room that’s packed with junk food?
Is it in social situations where you wanna use food to connect with others?
Identify the times, situations, and locations where your willpower is the lowest.
Once you’ve written them down, create a simple plan to outsmart the need for willpower.
If it’s at night, after a hard day at work, could you have some tea or a take a bubble bath? Could you go on a walk?
If it’s at the office break room, is there another place you can go to take that break? Could you chew gum, or pop in a sugar-free breath mint, every tie you set food in the break room?
If it’s a social situation, could you bring your own food or beverages? I remember one Rebel who kept having a glass of wine when some friends came over, because she missed feeling included. I suggested she blend up some Ultima electrolyte supplement in water and drink that from a wine glass. That way she could feel included without screwing up her progress.
There are all kinds of ways to put measures in place. It may take a little creativity, but it’s 100% doable with even an ounce of effort on your part.
Go for it, okay? That ounce of effort to put measures in place will help you lose pounds and pounds of weight…and finally keep it off!
If you need help with ideas, make sure to ask your fellow Rebels. The Rebel community is packed with people who’ve figured this stuff out, and they can help you, too!

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