A common question I get from people living the Code Red Lifestyle™ is whether the lifestyle affects their monthly cycle.
Because diet affects EVERYTHING – your weight, mental health, hormones, and overall physical wellness – yes, changing what you eat may affect your monthly cycle.
For example, PMS symptoms often improve – dramatically, in some cases – when you eat real food, drink water, and sleep, because you’re eating and living in a way that regulates hormones, instead of in a way that disrupts them.
Your cycle may regulate, but before it does, it may go a little crazy, and here’s why.
Hormones are stored in fat. When you lose body fat, those hormones are released into your bloodstream. As that happens, things may get haywire.
Your cycle may become irregular, and/or heavier than you’re used to (even if you’re on birth control).
Once you lose your weight and things have time to even out again, the craziness backs off. How long that takes, and exactly when it happens, varies from woman to woman.
Not every pre-menopausal woman who lives the Code Red Lifestyle™ experiences this with her cycle. Many women notice their cycle become regular. Again, it depends on you, your body, and your situation.
If you’re going through menopause, Code Red is an excellent lifestyle for you, because, again, it helps your hormones balance. You’ll probably still have menopause symptoms, but they’ll be a lot more manageable due to a better balance with your hormones.
Your hormones affect all kinds of processes in your body: Hunger, digestion, moods, emotions, whether you sleep, whether you feel stress, and SO much more.
By giving your body real food, water, and sleep, which, in time, helps hormones balance, you’ll do so much more than drop fat. You’ll improve ALL kinds of things about your body and mind.
If that shocks you, or you’re skeptical, I want you to ask yourself why.
Why are you shocked or skeptical about the idea that giving your body good fuel helps it function better?
To me the idea that giving your body clean fuel helps it function better sounds like common sense.
Even so, you don’t have to take my word for it. Give yourself the gift of personal experience, and devote yourself to the Code Red Lifestyle™ for 30 days.
Experience for yourself all the transformations that happen when you sustain your body with real food, water, and sleep.
Want to lose 10 pounds in 30 days and feel better than you have in years? Click here to check out the 10 Pound Takedown Challenge!