Have you thought of this when it comes to the holiday “binge-fest?”

There might be a feeling of dread.

Or there might be a feeling of relief (because you already know you’re gonna cheat).

Heck, it might be a mix of both! 

I’m talking about the fact we’re not very far from the holiday season.

I’m already seeing freaking Christmas decorations in certain stores! I almost can’t believe it! (Pretty soon we’ll be seeing Christmas decorations for sale in April. 😂)

For a reason I still don’t understand, the holiday season has become an excuse to embark on a two-month binge-fest, followed by a “New Year, New You” that turns out to be more of the Same Old, Same Old for the majority of people.

It’s the same pattern that doesn’t work for most people, yet most people keep repeating it, while expecting it to magically work “this time.”

(That’s like breaking your leg over and over, and each time putting a Band-Aid over the break, thinking that somehow THIS time the Band-Aid will heal the break. It will never heal the break!)

Every year I fight hard to help you do better than mainstream society, so you can start the new year weighing less and feeling better than you do right now.

The average American gains 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, but as a Code Red Rebel, who eats the way we eat, you can LOSE 10 pounds over the holidays.

If there’s a part of you that’s just wanting to say “screw it, Cristy, I’m tired and I just want to eat what I want to eat, and deal with it next year,” I get what it’s like to wanna take a break from caring. (I even did a podcast on it.)

But a two-month holiday “break” is really hard to come back from (as you probably know from personal experience).

I’d rather see you connect with us and use your Code Red tools to stay on track now, so you can get to goal weight sooner rather than later, instead of take yet another exhausting lap around the weight loss mountain.

If you keep repeating the patterns causing you to feel like crap, you’ll keep re-living the same awful results.

You deserve to feel better!

Get connected to us and lean on our strength to save the course.

You are stronger than you think…especially when you’re strong with – and in – the Code Red community!


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