In a lot of business and entrepreneur circles, we do what’s called masterminding. It’s a fancy way of saying get together with other entrepreneurs to brainstorm and set goals.
In one mastermind group I was part of a couple years ago, I remember being inspired by other entrepreneurs who were excited to set goals and bust butt to get them.
But a year later, we’d meet again, and these same entrepreneurs had made zero progress.
And when it came time for them to explain why, they said, “Oh, life got in the way!”
Look, life is gonna keep happening whether we like it or not.
Using “life happens” as an excuse to stick your head in the sand and postpone your hopes and dreams (and weight loss) indefinitely is wasting precious time you will never get back.
If you need a kick in the pants to get moving on your weight loss–or other goals you’ve set for yourself–click the image below to watch my video about getting your rear in gear.