For a long time I didn’t even know my sister, Cari, had weight loss surgery. Why?
Because she felt so much shame about it that she didn’t tell a soul until years later.
Worst of all, the surgery didn’t work long-term. Initially Cari lost some weight, but the complications from her surgery were so bad, she had to go back in and get the surgery reversed.
Not only that, this reversal surgery was only supposed to take an hour…but it took seven.
When Cari woke up afterwards and gazed out the hospital window, she instantly knew a lot more time had passed than one hour.
She was terrified, wondering what on earth could have happened to make her surgery take so long. Was she okay? Had something else gone wrong?
And, even after all that trauma – not to mention spending tens of thousands of dollars on both the weight loss surgery and the surgery to reverse it – Cari gained back her weight…because it wasn’t made clear to her that she couldn’t just go back to the bull crap she was eating and expect to keep her weight off.
The world is full of people just like Cari–people who’ve gone through weight loss surgery only to gain back their weight.
In fact, statistics show that over 50% of gastric bypass patients gain their weight back within two years.
That’s problem with so-called “quick fixes,” or anything else that lets you believe you can keep your weight off without addressing the real problems, like sugar addiction, nutrition, and emotional eating.
Magic pills and powders don’t teach you anything about food’s incredibly important role in health and weight loss. Neither do pre-packaged frankenfoods.
And neither does weight loss surgery.
But you know who does?
The Code Red Lifestyle™. We can get the same amount of weight off you – if not MORE – as gastric bypass surgery.
And we can do it for a tiny fraction of the cost. So before you subject yourself to paying $30,000 to being cut open and having your stomach reduced the size of a NyQuil cup, click below to watch my video about Code Red vs. Gastric Bypass Surgery.
And in case you’re wondering, Cari DID finally lose over 100 pounds and has kept it off for eight years…but it wasn’t from that failed surgery.
It was from following the Code Red Lifestyle™. She did it, and so can you.
Click below to learn why the best way to prepare for gastric bypass is not to have it…and what you can do instead.