The Code Red Lifestyle™ works. Ain’t nobody better at getting weight off than me!
But in spite of this…in spite of all the before and after pictures, all the testimonials, the way you feel on Code Red…you’re still sabotaging yourself.
And I guarantee you, you’re not the only Rebel who’s done this.
I have Code Red Leaders and Code Red Certified Coaches whose first encounter with Code Red just clicked.
But I also have Leaders and Certified Coaches who totally bombed their very first attempt at Code Red (on a challenge)…even though they got results!
If you were to ask them why, they’d tell you it wasn’t because Code Red doesn’t work. They knew it did!
No, their reasons were things like…
I just had to fall on my face one more time.
I just wasn’t ready yet.
Some of them needed to surrender to the process, instead of questioning and fighting it.
Some needed to fail just one more time before they hit rock bottom.
I remember one admitted that her son’s migraines returned when she and her husband let him have bull crap food again, and that snapped her out of it.
Everyone’s version of rock bottom is different. Everyone’s turning point is different.
Those moments are awful at the time, but they’re blessings in disguise, because they motivate you to finally get your rear in gear.
Some people also need personal development, therapy, or even emotional eating counseling to help identify triggers triggers and come up with a plan for when those triggers hit (as well as a plan for what to do if they get the better of you and you get off track).
The bottom line is, succeeding on Code Red happens when you refuse to let failure be an option, no matter what it takes to succeed; and when you lean on your Rebel family for support.
You’re not alone in this. We have support and accountability options to help you stay on track; plus we’re a close-knit family always ready to welcome our next amazing Code Red Rebel.
You deserve to feel happy and healthy and love what you see in the mirror – way more than you deserve that 15 seconds of relief from a donut.