I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Keep. It. SIMPLE!
Food does NOT have to be a time-consuming extravaganza.
In fact, here’s my super-simple formula for a Code Red-approved plate of food:
A meat, a fat, and a veggie. That’s all you have to do! It’s not the only option, but you can start here if you’re new and not sure what I mean by “simple.”
Some examples of this formula in action:
Steak, guacamole, cauliflower “faux”tatoes
Chicken thighs and shredded cabbage with mayo, salt, and pepper.
A pork chop, eggs, and fried radishes.
See what I mean? There are hundreds (at least) of possible combinations you can come up with by rotating your fat, protein and veggies.
It’s the formula I used when I prepare food for myself, just like in this week’s What Do I Eat? Click below to watch it and get another simple, delicious, filling meal idea that’s Code Red-approved!