How much do genetics REALLY matter in weight loss and health?

Did you know obesity runs in my family?

A lot of people I talk to are in the same boat, and so many of them have resigned themselves to being overweight because being fat is supposedly “in their genetics.”

We hear the same things about heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and other illnesses. “Well, it just runs in the family.”

Yet on the Code Red Lifestyle, I have thousands of Rebels with supposed “fat genes” who’ve lost 50, 80, even 100+ pounds.

I also have Rebels with diseases that “run in the family,” who’ve actually healed from them by eating Code Red-approved real food, drinking water, and sleeping.

If you’re reading that and thinking, “Cristy, this sounds a little too good to be true,” I hear you, and there was a time I’d have been sure health problems that “run in the family” were either your destiny, or something you avoided if you just “got lucky.”

But I’ve since learned that’s just not the case, and it’s time to shed some light on this bull crap weight loss myth keeping millions of people shackled to hopelessness.

Yes, genetics are a factor when it comes to weight loss and health…but here’s the thing.

They’re only a factor.

They’re not THE factor.

That means they have a LOT less power over your weight and health than you may believe; and than even your doctor may believe!

The lifestyle choices you make can and DO play a huge role…including the food you eat.

I’ve seen this not only in my own life, but in the lives of family members and clients…over and over and over.

That’s why I know you’re not shackled by your genetics. Their role in your weight and health are completely blown out of proportion.

Real food, water, and sleep are the tools your body needs to lose weight and heal. Period.

So don’t let the “it runs in the family” lie keep you beat down for even one more second. There IS hope for you!