The Fourth of July isn’t a free ticket to shove BULLCRAP in your pie hole

A holiday isn’t a holiday if I don’t come to you and remind you that holidays and celebrations are not an excuse to table the Code Red Lifestyle™ and shove bullcrap in your pie hole.

I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for 25 years at the time I’m writing this, and especially since creating the Code Red Lifestyle™, every holiday I go through this:

People going off the rails and abandoning their healthy lifestyle and food choices just because it’s a holiday.

Holidays are not free tickets to stuff yourself with whatever bullcrap food you want.

As far as I’m concerned, this applies whether you’re in one of my paid coaching groups, or whether you’re just following me online.

Whatever happened to celebrating holidays like the Fourth of July based on what they represent, vs. based on how much food we can gorge ourselves on?

Does it mean I think you shouldn’t eat on holidays?


But it does mean you can enjoy the holiday without the whole thing revolving around food.

It does mean you can eat a normal amount of food, like you would on any other day; and that food can stay Code Red-approved.

If you’re on a custom program, it means you stick to your program instead of setting it to the side, or sneaking “just one bite.”

Holidays are not, and were never meant to be, about abusing food and alcohol.

I’ve got more to say about this in my video below. Whether it’s the Fourth of July, some other holiday, or a special occasion where you know you’ll be surrounded by food, click the image below to get some Cristy-style motivation to help you stay on track.