Oh man, the comments I’ll get after you see what I’m eating in THIS video. ?
Hey, laugh all you want, or wrinkle your nose if you need to–it tasted great and it works with my macros and goals.
A fat, a protein, and a veggie. That’s my simple formula to simple, delicious meals on the Code Red Lifestyle™.
Keeping it simple is also what works for me. I don’t “love to cook,” so when left to my own devices, I prepare meals that are simple and efficient.
As a result, I eat foods I enjoy, without spending hours in the kitchen all day every day (not even close). Ain’t nobody got time for that (unless you cook for a living)!
Click the image below to check out this week’s “What Do I Eat?” and see not only what wacky food option I came up with, but get a quick tip on keeping your meals fast and simple.