One question I get a lot from people new to Code Red is, “Cristy, how do you keep your energy levels up without carbs?”
See, there’s a very pervasive myth out there that you “need” carbs and starchy foods for energy, but it’s bullcrap.
Yes, carbs and sugar can provide you with energy.
My point is that you do not NEED them for energy.
Sugar, in particular, is the worst energy source you can possibly go for, because sugar spikes insulin, which means you crash when that insulin comes back down.
Insulin has an important job to do, but when you’re constantly flooding your body with high levels of insulin, you won’t be able to lose weight. The hormones that burn fat shut down while insulin’s present in the blood stream.
Plus, because sugar’s highly inflammatory, you’re also breeding pain and disease, and weakening your immune system.
Bottom line: You do NOT have to depend on carbs and sugar for energy. You can get all the energy you need from foods that will help you lose weight while keeping you full…WITHOUT the crashes, violent energy and mood swings, and weight gain.
To hear more about which foods give you high levels of stable, consistent energy AND promote weight loss, click the image below to watch my video with this exact info.