Recently someone told me, “I just don’t believe in giving up entire food groups, Cristy.”
And you know what I said to them?
“Even if those food groups aren’t safe for you to eat?”
The food group in question was “healthy whole grains.”
I get it. We’ve been hearing for decades that you need 6 to 11 servings of “healthy whole grains.”
The government food pyramid has us eating more grains than any other food!
Plus, most people find foods made from grains to be pretty tasty, and struggle with the idea of not eating those foods.
So it’s no wonder people resist when you tell them grains are not only not good for them, but also at least partially responsible for their obesity and health problems.
And when you add that if someone wants to lose weight and heal, they’ll need to get off the grains, out come the excuses.
Look, grains aren’t a “food group” in every part of the world.
In the United States, they’re only a food group because the government says so, not because you “have” to eat them to be healthy.
“But what about the nutrients in grains?”
There’s no nutrition in grains you can’t get from other food sources, including fiber.
More importantly, the latest research, over and over, proves grains are addictive and highly inflammatory…and that’s a huge problem, because inflammation is the root cause of disease.
Plus wheat spikes insulin worse than straight-up cane sugar, which is why it’s staggering that so many diabetic diets include “healthy whole grains.”
If you’re still doubting me on this, here’s something to consider:
For decades Americans have been doing their best to consume all these “healthy whole grains,” plus eat low-fat and exercise, just like the standard dietary guidelines and medical community say to do.
Yet we’re the fattest and sickest we’ve ever been…and our tragic journey to this scary place all began when we started eating more “healthy whole grains” and demonized fat and salt.
The correlation between society’s sickness and obesity and these changes to our dietary guidelines is plain as day.
Grains aren’t the answer to our health problems. They’re one of the causes. The fact the government says they’re a food group doesn’t change that.