When you lose weight, you start getting a lot of attention.
People are amazed by your weight loss and want to know more. They cheer you on, and often, your example inspires them to get on board.
Many of my Rebels have spouses and significant others who are supportive, happy for and proud of them, and don’t feel threatened by all the attention they’re getting.
But in other cases, spouses and significant others may struggle with it.
They’ve seen you, over and over, “commit” to some diet or exercise plan only to give up on it within a month, and they don’t want to get dragged into something else they expect you to give up on…even something as proven and good for you as the Code Red Lifestyle.
You changing, even for the better, also upsets their comfort zone and what they’re used to. A lot of people struggle with change (including positive change), especially when it’s not their idea.
They may even grow jealous of the attention you’re getting, and start feeling like a second fiddle.
If the jealousy is happening, it’s important to talk with your significant other and reassure them they’re still loved and important to you. You may need to make a habit of saying it, and also of showing it in a way that will resonate with them. My successful Rebels do this and tell me it works wonders.
Most will come around. But some may be so ingrained in their old ways, and be so unprepared to make any kind of effort to climb out of their comfort zone, that they’ll try and drag you back down to their level.
If that happens, have an honest, non-defensive conversation where you keep your cool. Have it more than once if you have to.
Whatever you do, absolutely do NOT get dragged back down to that rut where you were fat, sick, and miserable, just because it makes them feel better.
Someone who wants that for you just because it’s easier for them really doesn’t have your best interests at heart.
It doesn’t mean they can’t or won’t come around. A lot of Rebel significant others do. Some don’t, so be prepared for that, too.
And either way, stay connected with the Code Red community, and also spend time with people in your life who DO support your new lifestyle.
You are worth it, and you absolutely CAN do this!