What’s the deal with exercise and weight loss?

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One of the most polarizing things I preach is the fact you do NOT need exercise to lose weight.

Some people perk right up when they hear this…but others really struggle to accept it.

I get it. The idea you “have” to exercise to lose weight is thoroughly ingrained in our society. (I used to believe it, too!)

The fitness industry would lose billions if everyone understood exercise has nothing to do with weight loss.

Before I go any further, let me make one thing clear: I LOVE exercise.

I’m an elite-level athlete, I’ve trained elite-level athletes, and I exercise every day. It’s a big part of who I am.

And exercise has a million benefits. It improves cardiovascular health. It can help with pain management (in some cases). It improves bone density. It relieves stress. it boosts endorphins.

But one thing it does not do is help you lose weight.

Years ago, I still believed it did. As long as I worked my butt off in the gym, I should be able to eat “whatever I wanted,” right?

Fast forward to my road cycling days. I was 20 pounds overweight, but I was also incredibly fit – the fittest I’ve ever been, in fact. I rode my bike 300 miles a week, and to this day I hold records that haven’t been broken.

If all you need are calories in, calories out, regardless of calorie quality, and intense exercise is all you need to be able to “eat whatever you want,” there is no way on God’s green earth I should have been a fat athlete.

But I was!

This experience led me to a life-transforming epiphany: You cannot out-train a bad diet.

It also led to my creation of the Code Red Lifestyle, which allows you to lose all the weight you want without exercise.

Need more proof?

Go to the gym and look around. Head to your next 10k and look around. How many fat athletes do you see?

And what about all the people out there who cannot exercise, and have zero hope they’ll ever lose weight because they think they have to exercise in order to lose weight?

I’m talking people in wheelchairs, amputees, people crippled with pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other chronic conditions; and people whose joints are beat up because they’re carrying around too much weight.

Are they all supposed to exercise to “lose weight and feel great?”

We’ve also got obese six-month-old babies out there. You’re telling me they need to be going to Crossfit and hitting the heavy weights?

If you exercise because it brings you joy, relieves stress, keeps you flexible, or helps with pain, great.

But if you exercise out of guilt, because you think you “should” be in order to lose weight, let it go. You don’t.

The sooner you can accept this and work on what you eat instead of torture yourself in the gym, the happier you’re gonna feel.
