There’s a really frustrating stigma in today’s world when it comes to people who are overweight or obese.
So many people look at someone who’s heavy and immediately judge them. “Well, they don’t care about themselves.” Or, “They’re too lazy to exercise.”
I’m a weight loss expert and celebrity trainer, which means I have a lot of experience working with obese people.
So I’m here to tell you: They aren’t lazy, and hearing that they are drives me crazy. Here are five reasons why.
1. The diet mentality.
This mindset is something most weight loss programs want you to have, for as long as possible.
If they convince you that you can temporarily change what you’re doing to lose weight, then go right back to the foods and habits that got you fat and sick in the first place, that’s exactly what you’ll do.
And then, big surprise, you gain your weight back and come running to them for more help. Rinse and repeat.
The hard truth is: You can’t go back to the foods and habits that got you fat and sick.
Saying this doesn’t make me popular, but I don’t care, because it’s one of the main reasons my clients are so successful at losing their weight AND keeping it off.
Most weight loss programs would rather have your money than tell you that hard truth, and they spend a lot of money trying to convince you that you can “eat the foods you love” and still keep your weight off (if you lose any to begin with).
Because that’s what most people hear, it’s what they believe.
2. The exercise lie.
I see heavy people exercising all the time. They practically abuse themselves trying to get the scale to budge.
My sister, Cari, at her heaviest weight, was exercising. It didn’t help her weight loss at all.
And back in my road cycling days, I was both the fittest AND the fattest I’ve ever been.
If exercise helps you lose weight, and I was riding my road bike 300 miles a week back then, there is no way I should have been fat…but I was.
Here’s hard truth number two: You cannot out-train a bad diet. Weight loss is 100% nutrition.
3. The chemically engineered food trap.
Food companies hire brilliant scientists and chemists to grow human taste buds and experiment on them. This means they’re very, very good at adding the right chemicals to make processed garbage with zero nutritional value taste amazing.
They also dump boatloads of sugar into our food.
Since sugar is eight times more addictive than heroin (and we’re told that sugar is “fine in moderation”), it’s little wonder people can’t keep their hands off the sweets.
Combine that with reason number four, and the situation is even more dire.
4. The frequent eating myth.
That you need three meals and two snacks a day to “keep up your metabolism” is another weight loss lie.
Digestion takes two-thirds of our body’s energy. That means, if we’re always digesting, our body doesn’t have the resources to heal us. Our organs take a slow beating, and our body never has a chance to get caught up.
It also means our bodies never have need to dip into the fat stores we’re carrying around.
And then there’s the insulin problem.
Insulin is triggered every time we eat, because our bodies need it to help break down our food.
On the Code Red Lifestyle, we eat foods that barely trigger any insulin, which is why diabetic people do so well with Code Red-approved foods.
But the fact remains that every time you ingest calories, you trigger a metabolic response, which causes your body to produce insulin.
So why is this a problem?
Because insulin has a nickname: The fat-storing hormone.
When you eat boatloads of sugar, or foods that turn to sugar in your body (like pasta, bread, grains, and simple carbs), it takes more and more insulin to bring your blood sugar levels back down.
Sooner or later, your body just can’t keep up anymore, and it has to store that sugar as fat, because it can’t do anything else with it.
Combine that with eating sugar (or foods that turn to sugar) All. Day. Long., and our bodies can’t help but pack on the pounds.
Insulin is not evil. It’s a vital, useful hormone that we absolutely need. But too much of it takes a toll.
5. There’s no money in healthy people.
Think about it.
If everybody was slender, healthy, and knew they could stay that way eating real food, drinking water, and sleeping, all the companies in the world that profit from magic powders, diet pills, outrageously priced pharmaceuticals that treat the symptoms of disease but don’t cure it, and fitness programs that convince you that you “have” to exercise to lose weight, would lose billions and billions of dollars.
“But Cristy, you’d be out of a job, too!”
Yes, you’re right! And you know what? That would be a dream come true. My purpose in this life is to prove to the entire world that you can lose all the weight you want and heal your body with just real food, water, and sleep. I’d die a happy woman if I went out of business because the whole world understood and practiced the healing power of nutrition.
I hope this clears some things up for you about why fat people aren’t lazy. They’re surrounded by misinformation and powerful marketing.
To be clear, I’m ALL for personality responsibility, and I’m not letting anyone off the hook for not taking control of their health.
But I’m also not gonna ignore all the lies and sleazy marketing traps out there.
Next time you see a heavy person and feel yourself judging them, I want you to stop yourself.
And then I want you to treat them like a human being, not like “a fat person,” because their body is sick and they may not understand why.