People who join the Code Red Lifestyle™ say the same thing over and over:
“I feel better than I have in years, Cristy!”
On the surface, it’d be easy to assume how great they feel is purely physical.
That’s definitely part of it. A BIG part.
When you give your body the fuel it needs, and stop giving it the crap that’s hurting it, everything feels better, including physically.
But not ONLY physically.
How you feel about YOURSELF improves, too.
“What does that have to do with weight loss, Cristy?”
Feeling disappointed in yourself, believing you could be doing better, making a mistake and spiraling downward because “you’ve already screwed up”…
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably been there, and been there more times than you care to admit.
One thing most people forget is that decisions build up.
Eating one slice of pizza, for example, doesn’t make you fat.
What does is repeating decisions and behaviors that build up into an outcome you don’t want. Once that happens, you’ve gotta shift your decisions and behaviors, so they can add up into an outcome you DO want, like losing your weight and keeping it off.
That means, instead of going off the rails because you have a weak moment and eat a cookie, you decide, “Nope, no more,” and get right back on the wagon.
When you repeat decisions that leave you feeling GOOD about yourself, instead of bad, it changes everything.
You’re more successful in your weight loss journey, but also in other areas of your life.
If you’re in the habit of disappointing yourself, time to knock it off.
Get some support and accountability, so you have positive peer pressure to help move you in the right direction.
Get some skin in the game, so you’re invested.
Get some wins under your belt so you can feel good about YOU.
When you feel better about yourself, EVERYTHING feels better.
And taking your life back is the way to start.