What Is This Episode About…
In this episode, Cristy and Cari talk about strengthening our immune system. There are bacteria, germs, and viruses everywhere. There are more bacteria in our bodies than human cells. The only way to keep yourself from getting sick is by keeping your soldiers strong. Listen in to learn how to do it.
The immune system comes from your bone marrow. The bone marrow produces stem cells which then turn into what the body needs to fight infections and viruses. White blood cells are formed from these stem cells. To strengthen our immunity we have to keep the factory strong.
The white blood cells are your soldiers. when you eat junk food, you alarm your immune system. These foods lead to inflammation and your immune system is at high alert. This overtaxes our soldiers which is a bad thing. We want our immune system to work when it should in an effective way.
When you keep eating junk food, having inflammatory responses and keep alarming your immune system, you become susceptible to sickness. Your eating habits and other behaviors either make you less susceptible or more susceptible to sickness. Your immunity is tied to your gut.
Some things you can do to strengthen your immune systems. First, don’t eat junk food. Move from fake to real food. Secondly, eat colored veggies. Thirdly, stay hydrated. Hydration affects your immunity. Get enough sleep to give your system time to rejuvenate. Also, incorporate some great foods that help with your immunity.
Listen in to learn more about how your immune system works and some of the ways you can strengthen it and prevent sickness.
Key Takeaways
- Understanding how the immune system works (08:46)
- How crap food alarms your immune system and overtaxes your soldiers (12:20)
- The inflammatory properties of junk food (14:46)
- How our eating behaviors make us less or more susceptible host to sickness (16:34)
- Why hydration and sleep are important for our immunity (20:45)
- Some foods to incorporate to boost the immune system (23:29)
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When Was It Released…
This episode was released June 3, 2020
Episode Transcript…
The Transcript Is Auto-Generated And May Contain Spelling And Grammar Errors
Cari 0:00
inflammation that these foods cause alarm your immune system, it puts it on high alert. So your body says, Hey, those stem cells, those white blood cells, we need you to go take care of this leaky gut. We talked about the leaky gut. We need you to go take care of this. We need you to go take care of that. And it’s an alarm and this is good. If you have something real going on. You’ve had a lesson for it, but it’s not good. If it’s because you ate a pint of Haagen dazs.
Unknown Speaker 0:32
I’m Cristy Code Red and you’re listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle where we believe food holds the power to heal or poison, and we believe our society has been misled regarding proper nutrition and weight loss. You’re in the right place if you’re looking for some straight-up truth because I’m here to shed light on the lies and brainwashing that has taken place over the past five decades. Thanks so much for listening
Cristy 0:59
and very special. Welcome to you. Thank you for joining us out rebel weight loss in lifestyle. I am your host Cristy Code Red author, entrepreneur, retired professional boxer, and I am joined like a mini of our podcast with Cari Thompson Cari for those people who do not know you, would you please do this pleasure of introducing yourself?
Cari 1:20
Who doesn’t know me by now Cristie Cristie? Do you remember the time that you made the joke about me being a doctor? And about well, something about being a physician? And it was just a funny thing that Cristy and I joke about? Well, somebody wrote below it. I’m so sorry. Dr. Thompson. I was like Cristie. They’re like, Where did you go to medical school? I’m like, Cristie, I can’t believe you. And this is early Code Red days. It was hilarious. And it was just it’s a family joke. You’d have to sit around with us to know about it but guys, I am not a physician. I am a nurse a registered nurse. I currently have held licenses in many states currently have one Alaska working on one for Kentucky just so I can Be diverse. My name is Cari Thompson. I’m the Chief Operations Officer here at Code Red fitness nutrition. And I help Krissy I always joke that I run the ship and Cristy’s out buying new ships for the fleet. So that’s my job. I make sure like imagine a big cruise ship I’m making sure everyone has their steamed broccoli at 2 am their warm glass of milk all the time. Nobody
Cristy 2:23
screaming scream broccoli at 2 am on a cruise ship but I like that
Unknown Speaker 2:28
one time on a cruise. There was an all-night Caesar salad bar and I remember thinking that was pretty cool.
Cari 2:33
I do I make sure the Caesar salad bar stays open and there are clean towels and everyone’s sheets are and Cristy. Her job is to say how many more ships can we buy for the fleet. So that is what I do here for code red. But I am a registered nurse and I do have a background in open heart ICU trauma nursing for many, many years took care of septic patients dialysis patients. I’m not a dialysis nurse but took care of those patients. I’ve seen some pretty ugly situations. And I have definitely walked through some pretty sad things with people. And so he’s told me away a couple of years ago, and now wiping high knees is a little bit of a distant memory. It’s a little I could still get back on the bike and ride if I had to, but it’s a little bit of a distant memory.
Cristy 3:17
Let’s hope you don’t have to. And also you came from a teaching background to I did I taught graduate school and
Cari 3:23
undergraduate nursing students for many years of teaching. And so I’m hoping that I can get out some of my skills today to share with you some thoughts.
Cristy 3:32
So a lot of these podcasts you guys carry and I ping and Pong quite a bit, but you’re going to hear a lot of information mostly from Cari because I did. I am having her on mostly as a guest instead of a co-host on this show because we are talking about the immune system. And this is relevant, especially the time that we have gone through early 2020. But it is relevant all the time. These are things that you need to know and some facts, some easy To understand materials from stuff that we’re doing wrong, some stuff that we’re doing right, you need to know the facts. And a lot of people don’t know who to do to trust and who to turn to. And I think that we’re a good resource.
Unknown Speaker 4:11
immunity is such an interesting thing, guys, I’m going to give you some practical tips and tricks. So as long as you’re not driving, please get out your pen and your paper and turn with me to Psalms to 19.
Cari 4:25
Got your pen and paper because I am going to give you as long as you’re not driving, I’m going to give you some practical tips, that things that you can take away because a lot of times people speak to us about topics Cristy, a lot of experts talk to us, but they can’t come down to our level. And like our mom says, Yeah, but how? Yeah, but why? and Christina are big. That’s one thing that I think that is a good skill of mine is that I can explain complex things. Try to make it simple. Sometimes I get the pathophysiology wrong. And I do get little notes from my physician friends and my nurse back Her friends like, I’m like, well, but it makes sense. But so I try to explain complex things in easy to understand language. And I give you takeaways. And that’s one thing that Cristy is really good at, is that you can tell people Oh, you want?
Cristy 5:14
Well, this is how you lose weight. And,
Cari 5:16
and this is how this works. And this is behind that. And you know what, Cristy if it doesn’t make sense, and if it doesn’t apply to your life, then you’re going to go away going, Oh, I have some more knowledge from my head. It doesn’t make any sense.
Cristy 5:29
And that’s what is frustrating. You know, and you’ve been really great to me about that, because you can put me on a panel with MDS and chemists and biologists and stuff, but the audience generally likes what I say because I put it in under real terms. I’m not a doctor, and I’m not a chemist or a biologist, but you know, I break it down for him, too, because most of us just don’t get it, the kind of stuff that they that the way that they talk and I get the way that we talk. I like the way that we break it down.
Unknown Speaker 5:57
One of the most eye opening things for me, Christie was one of the conferences that we attended, and I listened to a medical doctor and most time I can get everything they’re saying unless they get real researching. And then I’m like, oh, like when I was a brand new nurse, I used to sit in report report is when you give off shift reports, that next shift coming on, and I would sit there Chrissy, and I would they would go, JP to the left admin, and I didn’t know so I write down j. p, and they’d be like, enjoying cast, it’s been in and I would write down, I didn’t know what those things meant. So that’s how I feel sometimes. And afterwards, I’d be like, what are these things mean to a nurse? So um, you know, I listen to a doctor, and they use real life language and they talked about the liver being like a customs agent. And that has stuck with me that has stuck with me. And I want to give you analogies that will help you understand immunity, guys, how is it that the flu season hits or you know, a bad cold is going around or have you heard about a GI bug? How many of you have friends on Facebook and they are are always sick. They are always sick. Have you ever I mean, I will. I can’t even tell you the number of times that I have seen posts of Oh Kinsey’s got the GI bug that’s going around again prayers, huh? Oh gee, hey, those things are real. They’re tough. I understand. When I was a brand new nurse, nurse Chrissy I was sick for like the first six months. And now knock on wood. I hardly ever get sick because I was exposed to so much crap. Well, it’s been like
Cristy 7:29
freakin five years since I’ve been sick.
Cari 7:31
Oh, yeah. When I first married Brandon. I was a nurse before we got married. He got sick for like the first couple months and he was like, you’re bringing stuff home to me. And I may have been inadvertently just not realizing I was doing that. Who knows on pins. I tried really hard. But guys, he was around healthy soldiers all the time. Well, of course you’re not gonna get sick. So why is it that 100 people in an office building all get exposed to this gi bug or the flu season? Now we’re not talking About You know, vaccinations and flu shots aside, how is it some of them are like I’m so sorry you’re sick Sally. Oh, you heard about Betty she’s out. She is out Whoo. She is down with this flu. Everyone was exposed. So why do some people have more of a tendency to get sick we have family members like this Chris. He knows what I’m talking about. And some just don’t. And I think part of it is exposure. My first husband’s mom never let them go outside and play. And when he went to kindergarten Christie, he spent almost the entire first year out because he never played in the dirt and gotten bugs and and been around stuff to get dirty and nasty and sick and you just build up immunity that way. So that was very interesting to me. So here’s how the immune system works. Let me just give you a quick lesson. That is probably not all. It’s a little bit. Super simple guys. immune system comes from your bone marrow. So in your bone marrow, that’s why people that have cancer bone cancer and have chemotherapy and everyone that has chemotherapy. The idea of chemo is to wipe everything out. And then we let the good build back out. So we wipe out the good and the bad. That’s why people on chemo are so sick. That’s why they have a chance to get infections and viruses that the rest of us don’t get because they’ve wiped out everything. So if your immunity comes from your bone marrow, what comes out of your bone marrow are stem cells, and they can basically turn into anything you need. They can go to your gut and start fighting they can it depends on what’s going on in your body and you’re making millions of these every 10 minutes. I mean, you are constantly renewing and turning over your immune system. So this is what we want. In a situation we want to strengthen our immunity. We want to uplift our immunity. We want to be making these stem cells we want to be we want the factories to be strong. We want to just
Unknown Speaker 9:53
Cari 9:54
to they’re working. There’s not a reason they’re not working. They’re turning out stem cells, the stem cells can go And be what they’re needed that again, that’s a super simple explanation, but they can go be where they’re needed. The white blood cells can go fight where they’re needed. These are your soldiers guys, and your body makes them from your bone marrow. So we want our immune system to regenerate often and be really good at regenerating. So when the other way we do this is something Christie and I have talked about called a tautology. a tautology is when bad parts are eaten up. Like Chrissy says a big Pac Man, Rene ran and ran it. Remember that? The pac man goes along and eats up misshapen proteins, parts of cells that are you know, they’re on their last leg, they’re working hard, they’re not working very well. They get eaten up. So we want that system. The system of toffee G and cell renewal to work really well. These things are what make up immunity. So a lot of people say Cari, what is this whole thing with antibodies? Guys? What is a vaccination? What does it mean? When you Build immunity and when you build a antibody to something somebody’s like, I mean mold. I’m building antibodies. Have you heard people say that Christie before? Oh yeah, people love that or when you get a vaccination. Now again, I’m not trying to make our anti vaccination, people upset. I’m just going to explain this to you very simple. When you get a vaccination, when your body is forced to make an antibiotic to it, what you’re doing is you’re giving your body a lesson. So your body gets a small number of this through the dirt through somebody else getting a mild version of something. Through a vaccination, your body gets a lesson. Okay? We’re teaching the body a lesson, a small lesson. So your body goes, Oh, so we’re not supposed to have this right. And you go, yeah, that’s how it works. So guess what your body does, it makes antibodies to fight off that because you’ve given it a lesson. So for in the instance of my ex when he was a kid, he didn’t get any lessons. So when he went to school, he got really, really sick because he never had a chance to build up antibiotics, antibodies. Sorry, I’m trying to say those two words the same time. Same idea with when you get a vaccination. I know there’s a lot of controversy about that. But it’s just a lesson so your body knows how to fight it when it sees it again. Okay, that all makes sense, guys. How does this apply to you? So when you eat crap, and yes, I typed the word crap into my computer. My computer will autocorrect crap. It knows what that means. Or you do crap to your body. You are alarming your immune system. Now Dr. Jeff bland, a leading doctor and functional medicine, the father of functional medicine wrote the book, the disease delusion. He’s a great guy. He came up with this idea about alarming the immune system. He used that word alarming. I want to make sure and very give him give him credit for that. And we don’t want to alarm our immune system crusty. So we eat Doritos when we eat Cheetos when we end, you know, with a lot of the flu season going on and a lot of this crazy things going on in our world, and a lot of bad infections and bad viruses, bad bacteria is out there. You don’t want to have an alarmed immune system, the inflammation that these foods cause alarm your immune system, it puts it on high alert. So your body says, Hey, those stem cells, those white blood cells, we need you to go take care of this leaky gut. We talked about leaky gut. We need you to go take care of this. We need you to go take care of that. And it’s an alarm and this is good. If you have something real going on. You’ve had a lesson for it, but it’s not good. If it’s because you ate a pint of Haagen dazs. Exactly. We don’t want to alarm our immune system because we want our immune system to work when we need it and work in a very real way. That can’t happen if you’re overtaxing it. When you’re eating crap. You’re not supposed to
Cristy 14:00
You don’t feel good and you go to have comfort food, like Top Ramen and noodles, and Haagen DOS and an afol sugar sprite, you are alarming your immune system to fight off something it doesn’t need to fight off. I mean, it does need to fight off but you’re wasting your soldiers.
Cari 14:16
Exactly. It’d be like lining up a bunch of soldiers like my husband probably did when he was a first sergeant and having them it prayed rest and stay there. Stay there, they’re on high alert. You know they are they got their guns or whatever, whatever pose that is. I probably should get them in here and make sure I got the right one. Otherwise our army people gonna be right into us. But they’re at high alert when they could be at ease at ease guys at ease, you know? So you don’t need your army at high alert. Because you decided to go have Taco Tuesday with your friends.
Cristy 14:46
Yep. And you need to understand the real key words here that Cari said you decided you chose this for your body. You chose to eat that chemical process crap that your body does not know how to be Write down and instead of it breaking down and using it for your muscles and your brain and things like that. It’s it doesn’t know what to do is scared. It’s now on high alert, and you’ve just caused inflammation you chose to do that.
Unknown Speaker 15:13
And I think what’s important here guys, is that a lot of times on code read on this podcast Chrissy and I have talked about the inflammatory properties of junk food. Now we’re
Unknown Speaker 15:23
just in case you don’t know
Cari 15:27
we’re talking about food that is made to look like a real food. It is calorie dense, but it has no nutrition. It is nutritionally depleted, but it has lots of calories. It has chemicals. It is made in a factory it is shelf stable. Can I get a walk for Teddy Grahams, Cheetos hohos frosty these slurpees these are not real foods folks. And I cannot believe that if you have been listening to this policy For any amount of time that you know what I’m talking about, I’m not talking about cauliflower rice in a bag from Costco. I’m talking about pizza rolls in a bag from Costco. I’m talking about Cheez Whiz and the can. And chicken biscuit crackers or
Cristy 16:15
even go and talk about go fishing go grits loaded with sugar.
Cari 16:20
Yeah, sugar tubes. I tell my daughter, she’s like, Can I have a go? gurt I’m like, you want a tube of sugar?
Cristy 16:25
Yeah, that’s what it that’s the stuff that alarms your immune system. It disperses your shoulders, and it wears out your poor little soldiers for something that you cost.
Cari 16:34
So when we eat these foods that cause an inflammatory response, here’s the problem. This behavior every time you eat and other behaviors, which we will talk about, you are either becoming more susceptible, you’re becoming a more susceptible host to an infection, a flu, a sickness and illness. Sally’s gi bog, whatever it is, you are either becoming more susceptible or you are becoming less susceptible every time you eat and do other behaviors, but eating is what we talk about a lot on Code Red. So how does your behavior allow for you to become less susceptible or more susceptible? Guys, it’s not all about being a size six. It’s not all about looking the candy around. It’s not all about that kind of crap. Sometimes it is truly life or death in certain situations and times that we have gone through as a country. So I think it’s really important not to be like, looking trim and fit, although that’s nice. I love to look and trim and fit. That’s important. But I want to talk about something very basic and that is your life your health guys.
Cristy 17:43
I like that like to me when you say it a more susceptible host or a less susceptible host to me it is black and white. It’s this one or this one. And it’s so far, right? It’s so far beyond a little bit of cellulite on your thighs, or there’s your collarbones out or not like it’s so far behind? It’s, there’s so much more that goes into this. We were talking about, can you fight off an infection? Or what are you doing to yourself to make you weak or strong?
Cari 18:11
Does this mean that if you eat code, right, you’re never going to get sick? No, that’s not what I’m saying. Don’t write me a letter and be like Kerry said I would never get sick. And then I got a cold. You know, there are a lot of other factors in play in immunity. I made it sound very simple. It is a lot more complex. It’s not as complex as people think. However, you can either tip the scale or you can’t. It’s up to you. Here’s why guys, your gut is filled with bugs, microbes, okay? your gut is full of it. People have talked about the gut being the second brain. We know that your intestines and the microbes in there, the good versus the bad. It’s the balance of it’s the yin and the yang guys, it is the balance. It is how things go. And these gut microbes control your cravings. They control your digestion. They control how you feel how you want Wake up how you feel when you go to sleep guys that microbiome is truly the next frontier of science and there’s a lot out there that I will not get into. But if you get your bad gut bugs and your good gut bugs out of balance, you’re going to have some trouble leaky gut syndrome, CBOE, you know, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. We talked about that or people talk about that a lot in this functional medicine field. Why is it when you have a UTI, you take an antibiotic, you get a yeast infection.
Cristy 19:28
Mm. JACK because you wipe it out, you’re good, you’re good boys.
Unknown Speaker 19:32
Good boys, bad boys. So, Chrissy, have you noticed that we tell rebels shop the perimeter of the grocery store? Yep. Because shopping the perimeter are your good dairy items. Of course we don’t drink cow’s milk but your butters, your creams, your sour creams, and then we go over to meat and seafood and your scallops. Chrissy loves a good scallop. We come around the edge to your salads. We come around to All of your phytonutrients in your bell peppers and your mushrooms and all the fungus and the good things, the perimeter of the store is where the good stuff is at. And so that is why Christine, I tell you this because every decision you make either helps your good gut bugs fight off immunity, which immunity is tied to the gut, or you’re going to be in trouble. So I think you guys understand that idea. We need to feed our diversity and I don’t know how much more clear we could make it guys. It’s like Chrissy says you dig your your grave with your fork. And in some situations, that could be even more we again the family member that we have that gets sick all the time. They live on processed food, and Diet Pepsi.
Cristy 20:45
Yep, one thing. Yeah, they absolutely do. And there are it’s not just what you eat, it’s sleeping or lack of sleep which is going to put you in this category, that category. The lack of sleep is going to wear down your immune system sleeping good. I know that the first part of it In 20, with us dealing with the COVID-19 I have been extra careful to get a lot of sleep. And also staying hydrated. That’s a great way to help your immune system produce good soldiers and be on guard for you.
Cari 21:14
Yeah. And so let me give you guys that this is your piece of paper and pencil time. What can you do? I think we’ve made it very clear in this podcast number one, don’t eat empty calories don’t eat frankenfoods and I’m not talking about that you need to go to the hillside of Tibetan monks and you know, harvest their root vegetable and kill a chicken. No, I’m not saying all that. I’m saying instead of having personal pan pizzas for dinner, have some rotisserie chicken and broccoli with butter. Guys, we’re not talking about big, huge, crazy changes. We’re just talking about little things away from fake food to real food. So if you can and you are already doing these things, here are some other things. Let’s say you’re living to code red lifestyle. You Like carry, I’m doing it. I’m eating real food. What are some other things I can do for my immunity? I think the biggest thing is like what Cristy and I talked about, get away from the fake food. I don’t care how stressed you are, you’re making things worse. You’re alerting your immune system to a threat that is not there when you eat crap food and I want to make that super clear like that is the first thing you can do. Okay? The next thing is if you want to up your game, okay, if you just want to up your game, there are a couple things I think are really really helpful. eat your veggies guys. And if you have the opportunity to eat different colored veggies, I love that the other day I said to my husband Do you like eggplant and he’s like, I don’t know. I don’t I haven’t had it in a while except for maybe covered in sauce and cheese like an eggplant parmesan. You know what I mean? But why not try something new try a different veggie try something that’s a different color than you would normally eat. Like Chrissy said, You’ve got to stay hydrated. My God, how much do we talk about this on this show? We talk about it all the time, Steve hydrated hydration affects your immune status. It absolutely does. And I think how many times do you go to the hospital Christi and they’re like, not you, but a person goes to the hospital like, Okay, this but this guy’s sick, let’s just give them a liter of fluid he’s gonna feel better, even if it’s not the flu. If it’s just a bad cold when Bobby comes in and gets that swab, he just might go ahead and give them a liter of fluid just to help him feel better. So I think you might want a liter of fluid to help you feel better. Yeah, there are some foods Cristy that do help with your immunity.
Unknown Speaker 23:33
Here they are. Are you ready?
Cari 23:35
Garlic. I have a garlic roaster, Christie and it sits in a place of honor in my kitchen now. I love that thing. If you can’t eat roasted garlic and be happy. Oh my gosh, you guys garlic is so good for immunity pleasee garlic, my mom our mom will eat roasted garlic she squishes out you know how you cut the top a little bit of oil and salt and pepper on it. Stick it in the oven. Let it roast Then you turn it upside down you you squish and it comes out like a sort of like popping a zit that’s gross I know but like zip hopping they would love that. But you squish that garlic out and it’s like butter. You can spread it on things so good for you guys so try to incorporate garlic. Ginger is a great food to incorporate. And I’m not talking about ginger chicken from the drive thru at
Cristy 24:25
pF changs
Cari 24:29
I’m talking about I’m talking about adding ginger to your food is really simple ways to do that guys great a little bit ginger and a little goes a long way with ginger spinach. I personally love to cook some wilted spinach at the end of my scrambled eggs at the end of my sausage and cream cheese mixed together. mix it in with my salad, a little bit of spinach and your leafy greens are going to help with immunity. Yogurt, not sugar tubes of yogurt. Okay, we’re talking about actual code red yogurt that my mother thinks is sauerkraut. cream.
Cristy 25:01
It’s a lot like sour cream.
Unknown Speaker 25:02
Does it have that same Tang crystalline kind
Cristy 25:04
of it’s pretty close.
Cari 25:06
It’s pretty close. Yeah, well it’s probably the exact same thing and they just go
Unknown Speaker 25:10
like this with the jars were right sorry. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 25:16
Sorry cream line. They put different labels on it. Oh, we messed
Unknown Speaker 25:20
up these last hundred have the yogurt labels. They’ll never know. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 25:24
The other thing is green tea krissi drinks a lot of green tea. Really good for you guys. If you’re going to drink something, why not brew up a cup of green tea eat it cold drink it hot drink it cold. It’s super good for you. Bell peppers. I love bell peppers. In fact, I was out today and had to go get some I was like I can’t be cooking breakfast without bell peppers. We eat a lot. We go through at least a couple of bell peppers every day. almonds. Another good immune booster food. Yep. And like Chrissy talked about sleep. Sleep is huge. And we talked about sleep a lot on this podcast. But if you do not have glasses, You need to get them Do you have yours right there Cristy? I don’t I don’t have them right here in front of me the Swanwick sleep glasses we have a partnership with Swanwick sleep calm, swa n wi ck sleep calm there they are Cari just put them on. She’s wearing the night wear. And this blue block blocks the blue light. And you can if you enter the code rebel, you’ll get 15% off which is significant. So Swanwick sleep calm, for sure. And in fact, they are such cool people. They are just such cool people. We have a great relationship with them. They have even gone so far as to sponsor a lot of our events. And our challenge pages they have sponsored Q and A’s. So you need you need a pair of these to help yourself sleep right now guys, you take care of you. You take care of you and a pair of glasses is going to help your immune system. I know you may think I’m crazy, but if you sleep, you’re going to have better immunity. If this is going to do it for you. then by all means do it. You’ll buy your bottle of water
Cristy 26:59
Yeah, I will. I was just gonna say no amount of bell peppers is going to undo the damage of you drinking Red Bulls all night long and playing fortnight until 330 in the morning like it is baloney. If you’re not bright if you’re not getting your sleep and drinking your water, and you’re still ordering Domino’s, like don’t get me You have to get your diet cleaned up if you want your body to be strong enough to fight off infection.
Cari 27:22
Another thing that’s really good for your immunity if you’re considering it, I’m just saying adopt don’t shop get a pet guys get a pet kids they’ve done studies kids that were raised around pets actually have better immunity. It’s true. you’re exposed to more plus, not to mention all the pheromones and good hormones that are released when you pet them. When you hold them. You’re getting out and moving. When you walk them. You’re loving on them. Pets are super good for immunity. I mean they have gone so far as people that are going through chemo to suggest that they get a pet to help not only just emotionally guys pets, I just think it’s amazing Christina Huge. I just can’t imagine raising a kid without a dog or a cat. If you’re a cat person I just can’t like they never were exposed like, Oh, I have a friend that’s deathly afraid of all dogs doesn’t want to be around them. She was never raised around them. It’s very interesting.
Cristy 28:15
And you know what? I have a neighbor and you know what their cat’s name is? Meow meow.
Unknown Speaker 28:21
Like lady lane Fairchild’s cat. Yeah, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum. Yeah, yeah. Meow meow. Isn’t that cute? That’s really like
Cari 28:29
Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yeah, yum, yum, yum, yum. That’s cute. Guys, we’ve already said it. But stay away from empty calories. We want you to move every day. If you get a pet that’ll help because you’ll be forced to walk them. Limit your alcohol. If you are a code red rebel, you should not be drinking alcohol anyway, it will not help your immunity. And the two things I think are really important that if you are eating right and you want to boost if you want to support your immune system, we do do we still have the immune bundle crystal Or is it still that we have
Cristy 29:01
the immune booster bundle for $99, you get the mag, the d3 and the probiotic. And that’s a screaming deal. free shipping on that bad boy, we get it out in Priority Mail, same day shipping,
Unknown Speaker 29:12
shameless plug, but I do want you to know that we can get you those things, you can take them, just to give you that edge. Again, you cannot eat pizza hut every night and then take the immune bundle and think it’s going to work that will not work. But if you guys are already doing everything right, and you’re like, I’d like to up my game a little bit because I’m sure that everyone listening here is absolutely doing everything right all the time.
Unknown Speaker 29:34
So if you’re doing that, then I
Cari 29:36
think that you could consider doing the immune bundle, getting a pair of the Swanwick sleep. Also if we can help you. Obesity is a huge it drags down your immune system. Oh my gosh. So if we can help you even lose 510 15 pounds, if Code Red can help you. You are going to be healthier in so many ways. But since we’re talking about community, it’s Going to make a big difference in your immune system.
Cristy 30:02
Well, our society doesn’t view obesity as a problem. It doesn’t view overweight as unhealthy. And the bottom line is it’s unhealthy. And it doesn’t matter how pretty someone is it doesn’t, you know, oh, she’s beautiful, big, this whole biggest beautiful movement. You still have a woman that is way too big and Yes, she is beautiful and she is worth. Like, I’m not saying that her worth is wrapped up in her number. But the bottom line is she’s not healthy. You’re not healthy, being massively overweight or morbidly obese is not okay. And it’s not healthy. You got to take care of it. And just losing 10 pounds on the 10 pound takedown would be huge. We have rolling challenges, monthly challenges. You can join us, let us help you get the weight off.
Cari 30:40
I wanted to end with that because I do think that people forget they’re like, I’m so good. I had someone send me a panicked dm on Instagram about being heavy and what if infection gets me and I was like, but you know what to do? Listen, rebels. They’re listening to me right now. You know what to do. They’re already Losing weight, keep going. If you haven’t started, consider it because your immunity is simply not what it could be because of the extra weight that you’re carrying around. Also, your spinal load is not what it could be your knees are not what it could be. So many things are affected your life, your sleep, your happiness, your contentment, your level of being depressed. I mean, so many things are affected by weight. That’s what we’ve dedicated our entire lives to Cristy and I to sharing this message, but in the light of immunity, getting off even a little bit of weight is really going to help your immunity.
Cristy 31:33
Yeah, absolutely. 10 pound takedowns calm the number 10 p o u and D take down comm is where you can go to get started with us. It’s only a $47 challenge. We’d love to have you join us Cari thank you so much for such great content. I can’t imagine that that didn’t that didn’t help you. I know it did. Guys. I know you love you love code read you love the content and we love coming to you and presenting this. So thank you so very much guys. We will see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle Take care of yourself.
Unknown Speaker 32:05
Hi, everybody.
Cristy 32:08
Thanks so much for listening to rebel weight loss and lifestyle. If you’re a code red rebel and you haven’t already downloaded your Free Code Red lifestyle on the go guide, then Now is your time to get a copy. This guide will teach you how to stay code read approved, even with your crazy life schedule. To get a copy right now, all you need to do is open your podcast app, go to this episode show notes and click the link to get your code read approved on the go guide. So I will see you on the next episode of rebel weight loss and lifestyle.