If I were to ask you what the real reason we’re all dying too soon is, what would your answer be? Bull crap food? Wheat gluten? Disease? Obesity? Too much sugar?
Those are all excellent guesses, but there’s a reason behind those reasons, and here is it:
I bet you’ve heard the saying that healthy people make a lot of dollars, but they don’t make a lot of sense?
It means that there are some BIG industries in this country who make billions of dollars a year (each, not total) because you, and so many others like you, are (or were) fat and sick.
Think about it. How much money have you spent on foods that are keeping you fat and sick?
How much money have you spent on gym memberships and workouts trying to exercise your weight off?
How much money have you spent on hospital visits, tests, and medications to treat (not cure) all the pain and disease you’re enduring?
And how much money have you spent trying to lose all the weight the bull crap food (and some medications) is causing you to gain?
Multiply that by hundreds of millions of people in the United States alone, and you’ll have the bare minimum dollar amount all these powerful industries stand to lose if all the fat, sick people in this country were healthy and didn’t need (or want) their services at the level they do now.
“Well Cristy, you’re in the weight loss industry, so you’d lose money too if we weren’t all fat and sick.”
You’re right, I would. And you know what?
If everyone in this country (and more and more, this entire world) were all healthy, strong, and living on real food, water, and sleep, I’d gladly retire tomorrow and spend my days with Miles, Annabelle, and my family, doing other things I enjoy doing.
But I won’t. Not until every person on this planet knows about the Code Red Lifestyle and has the choice to join us.
Click below to watch my video and hear in more detail why you staying fat and sick is bad for you and good for these industries’ bank accounts.
To be clear, I’m not anti-medication or anti-doctor, and I’m obviously not anti-business.
But I can’t and won’t sit by until your eyes are open to the reality of our broken systems, so you can choose to spend your dollars on what’s going to get YOU healthy, not what’s going to keep you fat and sick while making these powerful industries richer at the expense of your health.
Click below to see what I mean.